Part 4
Unsolved HistoriesMore Bohnstedt Families in Germany, America and Brazil, the Bohnstadts in America, other name spelling variations and other issues.
Part 4; Unsolved Histories, discusses various families and individuals in Germany, America and other parts of the world under the name spelling Bohnstedt, and other variations. These groups and individuals could not conclusively be placed within one of the three main Bohnstedt family groups of the Langeln Line, Bernburg Lines, or Gevensleben Line discussed in Parts 1, 2 and 3.
Some of the family groups and individuals in Part 4 have verifiable relationships to each other, while others do not. They are placed in Part 4 per the wishes of Wolfgang Bohnstedt who felt reasonably confident that most or all of the Bohnstedts in the world, including those with name spelling variations, and especially those originating in Germany, are probably all related.
In some cases there are no family groups, only individual names. In other cases I was provided with extensive genealogies, but little or no family histories to go with them. Therefore the narratives in this part are mostly brief, clinical explanations of each section, and a few interesting items of unexplored Bohnstedt history.
In This Section:
Part 4 Narrative:
4-1 / More Bohnstedts in Sachsen-Anhalt
4-2 / Bohnstedts in Brandenburg and Berlin
4-3 / Von Bohnstedts
4-4 / Nordrhein-Westfalen
4-5 / More Bohnstedts in Germany
4-6 / Missing Connections
- Hermann-Bohnstedt-Straße near Zossen
4-7 / Tina Kay Bohnstedt
4-8 / Bohnstedts in Alabama
4-9 / More Bohnstedts in America
- More Sea Voyages
- Unconnected Names
4-10 / Frederick W. Bohnstedt
- The Coroner of Hoboken
- Judge Bohnstedt
- Mayor Frederick W. Bohnstedt
- The Recorder
- Who was Frederick W. Bohnstedt?
4-11 / The Bohnstadt Family in America
- The Origins of the Bohnstadt Family
- Charles Miller Bohnstadt II
4-12 / Bonsted, Bonstedt and Bonstad
4-13 / Bohnstedts in Brazil
- Earlier Bohnstedt Immigrants to Brazil
- Research Update: January 2016
4-14 / The Bohnstedt Line through Panama, Fresno and Los Angeles
- John Wolfgang Bohnstedt and Steve Bohnstedt
- Werner A. Bohnstedt
- From Where Does This Line Originate?
- Research Update: January 2016
4-15 / Böhnstedts (Boehnstedts) in Germany
4-16 / Bornstedt and Bohrnstedt
4-17 / Mistaken Identities
- The Town of Bohnstedt, or Bohmstedt?
- Fuchsia Triphylla Gartenmeister Bonstedt
- Inspector Bumstead
Part 4 Genealogy and Records:
4-18 / Genealogy and Records 4-1: More Bohnstedts in Germany
4-19 / Genealogy and Records 4-2: Bohnstedt Families in Hornhausen, Germany
4-20 / Genealogy and Records 4-3: Hannover, Germany
4-21 / Genealogy and Records 4-4: More Bohnstedts in Sweden and Denmark
4-22 / Genealogy and Records 4-5: Böhnstedt, Bonstaedt, Bohnstaedt in Germany
4-23 / Genealogy and Records 4-6: Alabama
4-24 / Genealogy and Records 4-7: Bohnstadt
4-25 / Genealogy and Records 4-8: More Bohnstedts in America
4-26 / Genealogy and Records 4-9: Bonsted, Bonstedt and Bonstad
4-27 / Genealogy and Records 4-10: Brazil
4-28 / Genealogy and Records 4-11: Panama, Fresno and Los Angeles
4-29 / Genealogy and Records 4-12: Bohrnstedt
4-30 / Genealogy and Records 4-13: The Family of Karl Bohnstedt in America
4-31 / Genealogy and Records 4-14: Bohnstedt Famlies in Malchow, Mecklenburg
4-32 / Genealogy and Records 4-15: Bohnstedt Famlies in Gernrode, Germany