Genealogy and Records 4-3:
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The Bohnstedt Family Line in Hanover 1
Johann Ehrhardt Friedrich Bohnstedt
M, bn: Before 1800 // m: Johanne Louise Rosine Fuse / bn: before 1805
1. Carl August Ludwig (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1825 // m: 1854 Hannover, Germany, to Henriette Christiane Juliane Emma Hagemeister / (see 4-3-1100 ↓ )
2. Heinrich Friedrich (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1828 // m: 1866, Hannover to Georgine Caroline Friederike Bastam / bn: 1844 / (see 4-3-1200 ↓ )
sr: S46, Z32
Carl August Ludwig Bohnstedt / (see 4-3-1000 ↑ )
M, bn: 1825, Dec 23 // m: 1854 Hannover, Germany, to Henriette Christiane Juliane Emma Hagemeister / bn: 1833, Mar 21
1. Johanne Auguste Marie Sophie (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1855, Oct 5 / ch: 1855, Hannover, Germany
2. Friedrich Christian Wilhelm (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1857, Oct 6 / ch: 1857, Hannover, Germany
3. Auguste Alwine Helene Anna (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1860, Sep 28 / ch: 1860, Hannover, Germany
4. Wilhelmine Amalie Anna (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1863, Aug 18 / ch: 1863, Hannover, Germany
5. Carl Friedrich Christian (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: March 27, 1866 *1 / (see 4-3-1150 ↓ )
6. Auguste Georgine Dorette (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: March 27, 1866 *1 / d: 1866, Apr 29 / bd: Hannover, Germany
*1. Twins
sr: S46, Z32
Carl Friedrich Christian Bohnstedt / (see 4-3-1100 ↑ )
M, bn: 1866, Mar 27, Hannover / d: 1932, May 28, Hamburg (city), Germany // m: 1892, Sep 28 Hamburg (city), Germany, to Johanna Friederike Elisabeth Buss (or Fuse) / bn: 1866, Feb 2 / d: 1933, Jan 29, Hamburg (city), Germany
1. Ernst (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1892, Dec 15, Hamburg (city), Germany / d: 1893, Sep 18, Hamburg (city), Germany
2. Henriette Hermine Elisabeth (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1894, Mar 1, Hamburg (city), Germany
3. Arnold Wilhelm (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1895, Aug 25, Hamburg (city), Germany / d: 1918, Aug 25, Hamburg (city), Germany / bd: Ohlsdorfer Friedhof, Ohlsdorf, Hamburg-Nord, Hamburg, Germany
4. Emma Helene (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1898, Sep 8, Hamburg (city), Germany // m: 1920, Mar 27, Hamburg, to Heinrich Christian Willi Busse / bn: 1887, Oct 1 y
5. Ernst Max (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1899, Oct 7, Hamburg (city), Germany / d: 1900, Jan 30, Hamburg (city), Germany
6. Marie Erna (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1901, Jul 3, Hamburg (city), Germany / d: 1902, Dec 5, Hamburg (city), Germany
7. Marie (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1903, Hamburg (city), Germany / d: 1903, Hamburg (city), Germany
sr: S46, Z32
Heinrich Friedrich Bohnstedt / (see 4-3-1000 ↑ )
M, bn: 1828, May 8 / d: Before 1885 // m: 1866, Aug 26, to Hannover to Georgine Caroline Friederike Bastam *1 / bn: 1844, Dec 11
1. Wilhelmine Marie (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1870, Mar 3 *2 / ch: 1870, Hannover, Germany / (see 4-3-1210 ↓ )
2. Ludwig Christian Heinrich (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1872, Sep 28 / ch: 1872, Hannover, Germany / (see 4-3-1220 ↓ )
3. Marie Franziska (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1873 / d: 1873, Oct 17 / bd: Hannover, Germany
4. Emil Friedrich Max (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1876, Jun 6 / ch: 1876, Hannover, Germany // m: 1910, Hannover, Germany, to Johanne Elise Marie Massmann / (see 4-3-1240 ↓ )
5. Marie Helene (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1878, Nov 6 / ch: 1878, Hannover, Germany // m: 1900, Hannover, to Ferdinand Rudolf Karl Zorn
6. Heinrich Ernst (Bohnstedt-Bastam) / M, bn: 1882, Mar 18 / ch: 1882, Hannover, Germany
*1. After her marriage to Heinrich Bohnstedt, Georgine Bastam-Bohnstedt was married to Franz Muehlhoefer in 1885, suggesting that Heinrich died sometime after the birth of his son Heinrich Ernst in 1882 and before he fathered any other children.
*2. Records indicate that Heinrich Friedrich Bohnstedt and his wife Georgine had a daughter named Wilhelmine Marie, born in 1870. Other records indicate a Wilhelmine Marie Bohnstedt married to Friedrich August Heinrich Ludwig Lüssow in Hannover. Records indicate that Wilhelmine Marie had a daughter named Louise Franziska Friederike in August 1889. It appears that she was born a couple of weeks before Wilhelmine was married to Friedrich Lüssow. The girl may or may not have been Lüssow's daughter. In either case the fact that the girl was born to an unwed mother suggests that she may have been an "accident". So far I've found no other records showing children born to Wilhelmine Marie apart from the seven that we known about. If Louise was Wilhelmine's first child we can extrapolate Wilhelmine's presumed age when Louise was born; probably no more than 18-20 years old. If we subtract 18-20 years from Louise's year of birth we arrive at a year of birth for Wilhelmine of 1869-1871. This coincides with the year of birth for Wilhelmine Marie born to Heinrich Friedrich and Georgine which is 1870. Based on this I believe these two women named Wilhelmine Marie Bohnstedt were one and the same person.
sr: S46, Z32
Wilhelmine Marie Bohnstedt / (see 4-3-1200 ↑ )
F, bn: 1870, Mar 3 *1 // m: 1889, Sep 15, Hannover, Preußen (Germany), to Friedrich August Heinrich Ludwig Lüssow
1. Louise Franziska Friederike (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 28 August, 1889 *2 / ch: 9 Sep 1889, Hannover, Hannover, Preußen (Germany)
2. Heinrich Emil Franz Louis (Lüssow) / M, bn: 1890 / ch: 1891, Hannover, Hannover, Preußen (Germany)
3. Ernst Friedrich August (Lüssow) / M, bn: 1892 / ch: 1892, Hannover, Hannover, Preußen (Germany)
4. Marei Minna Frieda (Lüssow) / F, bn: 1893 / ch: 1893, Hannover, Hannover, Preußen (Germany)
5. Friedrich Karl (Lüssow) / M, bn: 1895 / ch: 1896, Hannover, Hannover, Preußen (Germany)
6. Karl Emil (Lüssow) / M, bn: 1897 / ch: 1897, Hannover, Hannover, Preußen (Germany)
7. August Richard (Lüssow) / M, bn: 1904 / ch: 1904, Hannover, Hannover, Preußen (Germany)
*1. Records indicate that Heinrich Friedrich Bohnstedt and his wife Georgine had a daughter named Wilhelmine Marie, born in 1870. Other records indicate a Wilhelmine Marie Bohnstedt married to Friedrich August Heinrich Ludwig Lüssow in Hannover. Records indicate that Wilhelmine Marie had a daughter named Louise Franziska Friederike in August 1889. It appears that she was born a couple of weeks before Wilhelmine was married to Friedrich Lüssow. The girl may or may not have been Lüssow's daughter. In either case the fact that the girl was born to an unwed mother suggests that she may have been an "accident". So far I've found no other records showing children born to Wilhelmine Marie apart from the seven that we known about. If Louise was Wilhelmine's first child we can extrapolate Wilhelmine's presumed age when Louise was born; probably no more than 18-20 years old. If we subtract 18-20 years from Louise's year of birth we arrive at a year of birth for Wilhelmine of 1869-1871. This coincides with the year of birth for Wilhelmine Marie born to Heinrich Friedrich and Georgine which is 1870. Based on this I believe these two women named Wilhelmine Marie Bohnstedt were one and the same person.
*2. Louise may have been Marie,s daughter. If so, she was born 2-3 weeks before Marie was married. If so, this also means that Louise may not have been Friedrich Lüssow's child.
Ludwig Christian Heinrich Bohnstedt / (see 4-3-1200 ↑ )
M, bn: 1872, Sep 28 / ch: 1872, Hannover, Germany // m: 1896, Jun 10, to Dorothee Marie Karoline Louise Boes / bn: 1874, Feb 8
1. Marie Louise Antonie Johanne (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1896, Jun 18 / ch: 1897, Hannover, Germany
2. Otto Heinrich Alfred (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1897, Dec 16 / ch: 1898, Hannover, Germany // m: 1920, Hannover, Germany, to Henny Friede Emma Dora Gras / (see 4-3-1223 ↓ )
3. Kurt Hermann Ferdinand (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1900, Dec 21 / ch: 1901, Hannover, Germany
4. Klara Erna Auguste (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1906, Aug 9 / ch: 1906, Hannover, Germany
sr: Z32
Otto Heinrich Alfred Bohnstedt / (see 4-3-1220 ↑ )
M, bn: 1897 Dec 16 / ch: 1898, Hannover, Germany // m: 1920, Hannover, Germany, to Henny Friede Emma Dora Gras
1. Heinz-Ludwig Otto (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1922 May 9 / ch: 1922, Hannover, Germany
sr: Z32
Emil Friedrich Max Bohnstedt / (see 4-3-1200 ↑ )
M, bn: 1876, Jun 6, Hannover, Germany // m: 1910, Mar 28, Hannover, Germany, to Johanne Elise Marie Massmann
1. Friederike Anna Marie (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1912, Mar 30 / ch: 1912, Hannover, Germany
sr: Z32
The Bohnstedt Family Line in Hanover 2
Johann Friedrich Bohnstedt
M, bn: [?] // m: Juliane Dorothea "Dorette" Trute (or Trate, or Grute)
1. Friederike Wilhelmine (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1833, Apr 3 // m: 1859, Hannover, Germany, to August Franstein
2. Georg Wilhelm (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1839 // m: 1865 to Auguste Friederike Georgina Charlotte Otto / bn: 1840 / (see 4-3-2100 ↓ )
3. Friedrich August (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1845 // m: 1866, Auguste Sophie Bergener / bn: 1845 / (see 4-3-2200
4. Henriette Caroline Maria (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1849 Sep 29 // m: 1866, Auguste Sophie Bergener / bn: 1845
sr: S46, Z32
Georg Wilhelm Bohnstedt / (see 4-3-2000 ↑ )
M, bn: 1839, Sep 25 / d: 1902, Dec 29 // m: 1865, Hannover, Germany to Auguste Friederike Georgine Charlotte Otto / bn: 1840, May 9
1. Friederike Dorette Emilie (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1866, Jun 3 / d: 1867, Oct 3 / bd: Hannover, Germany
sr: S46, Z32
Friedrich August Bohnstedt / (see 4-3-2000 ↑ )
M, bn: 1845, Feb 7 // m: 1866 Sep 21, to Auguste Sophie Bergener / bn: 1845
1. Henriette Louise Dorothea (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1867, Nov 24 / ch: 1867, Hannover, Germany
2. Fritz Adolph Wilhelm (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1869, Feb 21 / ch: 1869, Hannover, Germany
3. Auguste Marie (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1872, Dec 19 / ch: 1873, Hannover, Germany
sr: S46, Z32
The Bohnstedt Family Line in Hanover 3
Johann Friedrich Bohnstedt /
M, bn: [?] // m: Sophie Marie Aberg (or Oberg)
1. Johanne Marie Christine (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: c.1819 / d: 1875 / bd: Hannover, Germany // m: August Becker
2. Johanna Marie Sophie (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1828, Dec 25 // m: 1856, Hannover, Germany, to Heinrich Andreas Schmidt / bn: 1830
sr: S46, Z32
Theory: Hanover
I believe it possible that Johann Friedrich Bohnstedt and Johann Erhardt Friedrich Bohnstedt were the same person. If so he married at least twice; first to Johanne Louise Rosine Fuse, and the second time to Juliane Dorothea "Dorette" Trute (or Trate, or Grute). One additional piece of evidence for this is that Johann Friedrich and Rosine's granddaughter was named "Auguste Georgine Dorette". Dorette seems to be an unusual name, and it's possible that Dorette's father, Carl August Ludwig, named her for Juliane Dorothea "Dorette" Trute, Johann Friedrich's wife.
Johann Ehrhardt Friedrich Bohnstedt
M, bn: c.1800 // m1: Johanne Louise Rosine Fuse // m2: Juliane Dorothea "Dorette" Trute (or Trate, or Grute)
1. Carl August Ludwig (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1825 // m: 1854 Hannover, Germany, to Henriette Christiane Juliane Emma Hagemeister / (see 4-3-1100 ↓ )
2. Heinrich Friedrich (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1828 // m: 1866, Hannover to Georgine Caroline Friederike Bastam / bn: 1844 / (see 4-3-1200 ↓ )
3. Friederike Wilhelmine (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1833, Apr 3 // m: 1859, Hannover, Germany, to August Franstein
4. Georg Wilhelm (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1839 // m: 1865 to Auguste Friederike Georgina Charlotte Otto / bn: 1840 / (see 4-3-2100 ↓ )
5. Friedrich August (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1845, Sep 7 // m: 1866, Auguste Sophie Bergener / bn: 1845 / (see 4-3-2200 ↓ )
Wilhelm Bohnstedt
M, bn: [?] // m: Philippine Farn (?) / bn: c.1785 / d: 1867, Jun 20
- Caroline Henriette Louise (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1812, Nov 15
Johann Baltzer Bodenstedt
M, bn: c.1654
- Johann Daniel (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1684, Vardegötzen, Region Hannover, Germany
sr: This information was obtained from and verified by Barbro Carlberg, a genealogical researcher.
Johann Daniel Bohnstedt
M, bn: 1684, Vardegötzen, Region Hannover, Germany / ch: 22 Sep, 1684, Vardegötzen / p: Farmer / d: 7 May, 1736, Vardegötzen, Region Hannover, Germany // m1: 3 May, 1705 to Margaretha Stämpel (Staempel) // m2: 6 July, 1719, Vardegötzen, to Ilse Margarethe Grassmüller (Grassmueller) / bn: 14 March, 1688 / d: 27 April 1749, Vardegötzen, Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
- Cathrin Elisabeth (Bodenstedt) / F, bn: 3 May 1724, Vardegötzen, Region Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany / d: May 1795, Hüpede, Region Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
sr: This information was obtained from and verified by Barbro Carlberg, a genealogical researcher.