
Mistaken Identities

Every once in a while I come across the name "Bohnstedt" attached to a thing, a place or perhaps an event, only to find out that the correct spelling of the name was not originally Bohnstedt. At other times I have been told by individuals of an occurrence of the Bohnstedt name somewhere, only to find that the name that was seen or heard only resembled "Bohnstedt". I offer here as evidence these examples.

The Town of Bohnstedt, or Bohmstedt ?

One myth that has surfaced repeatedly is that there is a town called "Bohnstedt", somewhere in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, near the Danish border. This has been reported by several people. Is there really such a place? I have never been able to find such a town, even using the best atlases, maps and geographic and mapping software.

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1-2. The town of "Bohmstedt", with an "M"

There is, however, a town in that region named Bohmstedt, with an "M". It is located at approximately 54.58 N, 9.05 E, in Schleswig-Holstein. I suggest that those people who have seen a "Bohnstedt" town, probably saw a road sign as they drove through this small village, and misread the "M" for an "N". It would be an easy mistake for anyone to make without looking closer.


Fuchsia Triphylla Gartenmeister Bonstedt

During a routine search of the World Wide Web for "Bohnstedt" this item will sometimes come up: "Fuchsia Triphylla Gartenmeister Bohnstedt". This is a flower, a hybrid strain of Fuchsia developed in the early 1900's. However, it appears that the person who developed this breed of Fuchsia was not a "Bohnstedt", but a "Bonstedt", with no "H".

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Fuchsia Triphylla Gartenmeister Bonstedt

An Internet search using Google in February 2006 for "Fuchsia" combined with "Bohnstedt" yielded 54 hits. But when the search was re-done, with the spelling of the name changed to "Bonstedt" (dropping the "H"), 540 hits came up. This suggested to me that the correct spelling was Bonstedt, rather than Bohnstedt.


(For more informaiton go to Bonsted, Bonstedt and Bonstad)


Inspector Bumstead

Someone once told me that the Bohnstedt name had been used for a character in a movie called "Dark City". I was told by this person that the character in question, a stoic, hard-boiled police detective played by William Hurt was named "Inspector Bohnstedt". Indeed it does sometimes sound like "Bohnstedt" during the movie when his name is spoken. But if you research the movie you will find that character's name was "Inspector Bumstead".

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"Detective Bumstead", played by William Hurt

Personally, I think the character would have been better with the name "Bohnstedt", but alas, I did not write the script or the screenplay.


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