
Bonsted, Bonstedt and Bonstad

There were several individuals born or married under the name Bonsted, Bonstedt or Bonstad in the United States, and a large part of these events seem to have occurred in the Eastern U.S. In fact there are still many Bonstedts residing in eastern U.S. states.

There are two main family groups of Bonstedts listed here. Information on the family of Andreas Christopher Bonstedt was provided by Heinrich O. Bonstedt of Allentown, Pennsylvania, and the information on the family of Augustus Bonstedt was provided by Dorothy McFadden, of Stratford, New Jersey.


Fuchsia Triphylla Gartenmeister Bonstedt

During a routine search of the World Wide Web for "Bohnstedt" this item will sometimes come up: "Fuchsia Triphylla Gartenmeister Bohnstedt". This is a flower, a hybrid strain of Fuchsia developed in the early 1900's. However, it appears that the person who developed this breed of Fuchsia was not a "Bohnstedt", but a "Bonstedt", with no "H".

No Enlargement Available
1. Fuchsia Triphylla Gartenmeister Bonstedt

An Internet search using Google in February 2006 for "Fuchsia" combined with "Bohnstedt" yielded 54 hits. But when the search was re-done, with the spelling of the name changed to "Bonstedt" (dropping the "H"), 540 hits came up. This suggested to me that the correct spelling was Bonstedt, rather than Bohnstedt.

I recently found an article on the WorldWide Web, dated August 6, 2013, and called The Carl Bonstedt Fuchsias:

The German botanist and gardener, Carl Bonstedt (1866 -1953) was a man in the right place at the right time. In the early 1880's he managed to secure a plant of Fuchsia triphylla while working at Kew Gardens. The plant had been given to Kew by Henderson's Nursery of the Edgware Road and they had originally obtained it from New York nurseryman Thomas Hogg Jr. who had connections in Haiti and the Dominican Republic where this species is found growing in cool mountainous terrain. So on return to Germany, Bonstedt, who worked briefly at the Botanic Garden in Rostock from 1892 to 1900 and then at the University Botanic Garden in Gottingen, developed and produced some fine hybrid Fuchsias based on the F triphylla species.

While often used as summer bedding plants in Europe, they thrive in a mild winter climate like ours and will flower their heads off all through winter and spring.They have the added bonus of attractive olive green, purple backed leaves and as their flowers are terminal racemes on reddish stems they are always visible and not shy at being showy.

The main varieties available and their original release dates are: 'Mary' 1905 ,a rich scarlet colour; 'Gottingen', 1905 vermilion; 'Traudschen Bonstedt' 1905 pale salmon pink; 'Thalia', 1905 pale orange; 'Koralle' 1906 rich salmon orange; 'Gartenmeister Bonstedt' 1906 glowing orange to brick red. A terrific book which has these photographed as individual flowers to show the difference is the Plants for Warm Gardens book by Roger Phillips and Martin Rix (Pan Books).

Carl Bonstedt retired in 1931 and left us with these wonderful hardy fuchsias which are still popular and easy to grow today.

I did a check on the "Bonstedt" data that I have and found a match: a Carl Bonstedt, born 1866 and died 1953.  There was nothing in the family data when it was first given to me that gives any clues or hints about what this Carl Bonstedt did for a living, or even where he was born.  But the dates match exactly.  Thanks to the data that Heinrich O. Bonstedt, Carl's grandson, provided to gave me about this family we know his lineage back to his grandfather.

Another interesting item with regard to this Carl Bonstedt, but which is probably entirely coincidental, is that the family name of the wife of Carl Bonstedt (from my data) is "Fuchs".


See Also
4-26 /
Genealogy and Records 4-9: Bonsted, Bonstedt and Bonstad

Back to Part 4 ...

