
More Bohnstedts in Germany

Genealogy and Records 4-4: More Bohnstedts in Germany contains some Bohnstedt individuals and small family groups from various parts of Germany. I was not certain about the locations and / or spelling of some of the locations called out in the genealogical family tables.

There are also several groups and names from the city of Braunschweig, or (more likely) the province of Braunschweig. I strongly believe that these Bohnstedts in Braunschweig all belong to a larger Braunschweig Bohnstedt family. Furthermore, I also believe that because of the proximity of Braunschweig to Langeln, Gevensleben and other Bohnstedt ancestral villages in the Sachsen-Anhalt region, this "Braunschweig Line" might be related to the other three main branches of Bohnstedts.

There are still several Bohnstedts living in Braunschweig and the surrounding area. I had some contact with a few of these Bohnstedts in the years preceding the completion of this work. One of them, Erich Bohnstedt, an elderly gentleman born in 1919, told me that his grandfather (whose name he forgot to mention) was a soldier with the "Black Hussars", a famous cavalry unit in the Franco-Prussian War, and that his grandfather's uniform was displayed in the Braunschweig Museum. While we were in Braunschweig in 1994, meeting with Wolfgang Bohnstedt, Martin Bohnstedt and Anita Weise, we visited the Braunschweig Museum, and tried to locate the uniform. We were unsuccessful, and the museum staff was unable to give us any more information.

I also received a letter from a Mr. Franz Bohnstedt, who had been a Luftwaffe pilot during the Second World War. He lived in a small town called Sommersdorf, very near the East-West German border prior to the 1990 reunification. Franz told me that he remembered the wire fences being installed after the war by the Communists. Franz also gave me some information about his family, which was supplemented by his son, Karl-Albert. Karl-Albert mentioned that his grandfather had fought in the First World War at Verdun, France, and that two great uncles died in World War I, one of them in 1916 in France, and the other in 1917 in Russia.

A dedicated researcher who speaks German might have some of success if he or she were to begin contacting some of these Bohnstedts in the Braunschweig area.


See Also:
4-21 /
Genealogy and Records 4-4: More Bohnstedts in Germany

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