
Genealogy 1-1:
Langeln and Sachsen-Anhalt

The Descendants of A. Bonsted in the Sachsen-Anhalt region, and originating in Langeln.

here, or on the image above for a detailed genealogical chart showing the various Bohnstedt Family Lines of this group

See Also:
1-2 /
The Bohnstedt Family in the Sachsen-Anhalt Region
1-3 /
The Bohnstedts and the Protestant Reformation

Back to Part 1 ...


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A. Bonsted

M, bn: c 1530 *1

1. Andreas (Bonstedt) / M, bn: 1565 / (see
1-1-1001 ↓ )

*1. This date is an approximate guess.

sr: B

See Also:
1-2 /
The Bohnstedt Family in the Sachsen-Anhalt Region


Andreas Bonstedt / (see 1-1-1000)

M, bn: 1565 / d: 1619 in Langenstein // m: 1599 in Langeln to Barbara Söchting / bn: Wernigerode district

Children: *1
1. Bartholomäus (Bonstedt) / M, bn: c.1600, Egeln *2 / (see 1-1-2000 ↓ )
2. Simon (Bonstedt) / M, bn: c.1603-1608 *3 / (see 1-1-3000 ↓ )
3. Anna (Bonstedt) / F, bn:c.1604-1606 *4 // m: 1624 in Langenstein to Moritz Wegener / p: Farmer
4. Andreas (Bonstedt) / M, bn: [?] *5
5. Conrad (Bonstedt) / M, bn: [?] *5
6. Margareta (Bonstet) / F, bn: c.1610-1617 *6 // m1: 1635, Langenstein to Johannes Lichtfalt / p: Schoolmaster // m2: 1639 in Langenstein to Heinrich Schindekerl
7. -?- (Bonstedt) / F, bn: [?] *5
8. Julius (Bonstedt) / M, bn: c.1615-1616 *7 / (see 1-1-7000 ↓ )
9. Stephan (Bonsteden) / M, bn: 1618, Langenstein

*1. Some records indicate that Andreas had 9 children. Of these, 2 sons and 1 daughter died prematurely.
*2. An approximate date for Bartholomäus was previously set at c.1580-1590.  This came from the 1939 Stammbaum as recorded by or on behalf of Edgar Bohnstedt.  However, I recently moved the estimated date of birth to 1600 for two reasons: (1) There are probably no known documents giving a definite year of birth for Bartholomäus. If there was, an estimated date of 1580-1590 would not be necessary. (2) Apparently there was documentation indicating a year of marriage of 1636. Even if Bartholomäus was born as late as 1590 he would have been 46 years old when he married. (3) Since Bartholomäus' father, Andreas was married in 1599, and without any indication of any other marriage, the wife, Barbara, could not have been the mother of Bartholomäus unless he was born in late 1599 at the very earliest.  With all these factors considered, a birth year of no earlier than 1600 makes more sense.
*3. Assigning an estimated year of birth of 1603-1608 to Simon would make him 20-25 years old when he married in 1628. If he were born any earlier his year of birth would more likely be conflicting with that of his brother Bartholomäus. If he were born later he would have married at a younger and therefore less likely age.
*4. During this time period young women typically married at 18-25 years of age. If Anna married in 1624 an estimated year of birth of 1604-1606 would have her marrying about 18-20 years old.  An earlier year of birth would conflict with her brothers, Bartholomäus and Simon.
*5. Some  Records were recovered for 6 children which documented either their year of birth, their year of marriage, allowing educated guesses as to their place in the order of birth of Andreas' and Barbara's children.  Because we have no documentation indicating a year of birth for Andreas "Jr", Conrad, or the unnamed female child, they were arbitrarily placed in between other children where there were significant time gaps.
*6. During this time period young women typically married at 18-25 years of age. Since Margareta was first married in 1635 she was probably born about 1610-1617.
Since Julius' youngest child was born in 1646 we can give an approximate year of marriage to the mother (Maria Witte) at about 1645-1646. If we give him an estimated year of birth at about 1615-1616 he would have been about 29-30 years old when he first married.

sr: B, H1

See Also:
1-2 /
The Bohnstedt Family in the Sachsen-Anhalt Region


Bartholomäus Bonstedt / (see 1-1-1001)

M, bn: c.1600 *1 / p: Chemist, (Apothoker, Pharmacist) / d: 1665, Sep 25, Egeln // m: 1636, Wernigerode to Cathrina Appen

1. Jacob (Bonstedt) / M, bn: 1637, Egeln / (see
1-2-1000, Pomerania... ↓ ) *2
2. Andreas (Bonstedt) / M, bn: 1640, Mar 24, Egeln / d: 1648 in Egeln during the "Thirty Years War", cause unknown
3. Christoph (Bohnstädt) / M, bn: 1643, Egeln / (see
1-1-2100 ↓ ) *3
4. Elisabeth (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: [?] / d: 1649, Mar 21, Egeln, Germany
5. Sigismund (Bonstedt) / M, bn: 1646, Egeln / (see
1-1-2300) *4
6. Andreas (Bonstedt) / M, bn: 1650, Egeln / (see
7. Anna Margereta (Bonstedt) / F, bn: 1653, Jul 17, Egeln, Germany / d: 1660, Apr 25, Egeln, Germany

*1. An approximate date for Bartholomäus was previously set at c.1580-1590.  This came from the 1939 Stammbaum as recorded by or on behalf of Edgar Bohnstedt.  However, I recently moved the estimated date of birth to 1600 for two reasons: (1) There are probably no known documents giving a definite year of birth for Bartholomäus. If there was, an estimated date of 1580-1590 would not be necessary. (2) Apparently there was documentation indicating a year of marriage of 1636. Even if Bartholomäus was born as late as 1590 he would have been 46 years old when he married. (3) Since Bartholomäus' father, Andreas was married in 1599, and without any indication of any other marriage, the wife, Barbara, could not have been the mother of Bartholomäus unless he was born in late 1599 at the very earliest.  With all these factors considered, a birth year of no earlier than 1600 makes more sense.
From Jacob Bonstedt and his son, Johann Didrich Bohnstedt, descended the Bohnstedts in Swedish Pomerania, Sweden, and Russia
*3. From Christoph and his son, Johann Dietrich "Theodor" Bohnstedt, descended some Bohnstedt lines in East Prussia, and Bohnstedts in Norway and Australia
*4. From Sigismund and his son, David Sigismund Bohnstedt, descended some Bohnstedt lines in Essen and Nordrheinland

sr: B, H1, J8, R7, R9, S11

See Also:
1-2 / The Bohnstedt Family in the Sachsen-Anhalt Region


Christoph Bohnstädt / (see 1-1-2000)

M, bn: 1643, Egeln / p: Medical practitioner, physician / d: 1682, Magdeburg // m1: 1676, Egeln to Margareta Schultze // m2: Anna Ottilie Kinderling / d: 1734, Groß-Machnow, Prussia

1. Johann Dietrich "Theodor" (Bohnstedt) / M, ch: 1677 Aug 19, Egeln / (see
1-6-1000, Prussia.. ↓ )

1. From Christoph and his son, Johann Dietrich "Theodor" Bohnstedt, descended some Bohnstedt lines in East Germany, Prussia, and Bohnstedts in Norway and Australia

sr: B, H1, J8

See Also:
1-2 / The Bohnstedt Family in the Sachsen-Anhalt Region
1-18 / The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia


Sigismund Bonstedt / (see 1-1-2000 ↑ )

M, bn: 1646, Jan 7, Egeln / p: Evangelical Lutheran field minister, director of church school in Halberstadt in 1684. 1684-1713 : Preacher and clergyman in Deersheim and Bexheim. He moved to Deersheim with family c 1684-85 / d: 1713, Oct 31, Deersheim // m: Catharina Elisabeth Könnecke

1. Maria Elisabeth (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1680, Halberstadt // m: 1698, Deersheim to David Nathan Müller / p: Royal Prussian tax collector in Halberstadt.
2. Anna Margaretha (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1682, Halberstadt // m: 1703, Deersheim to Georg Philipp Reinecke / p: Brewer, and farmer. Church manager in Osterwieck.
3. Johann Heinrich (Bonstedt) / M, bn: 1684, Halberstadt
4. David Sigismund (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1685, Deersheim / (see
1-5-1000, Westfalen... ↓ )
5. Georg Christian (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1687, Deersheim / (see
6. Catharina Dorothea (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1689, Deersheim // m: 1714, Deersheim to Johan Carol Meyer / p: Priest or minister in Halberstadt
7. Anna Sophia (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1692, Deersheim / d: 1693, Deersheim
8. Sophie Elisabeth (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1699, Deersheim // m: Kristof Adolf Dingelstedt / bn: 1689 [?] / d: 1748, Halberstadt

1. From Sigismund and his son, David Sigismund Bohnstedt, descended some Bohnstedt lines in Essen and Nordrheinland

sr: B, H1, J8

See Also:
1-2 / The Bohnstedt Family in the Sachsen-Anhalt Region
1-3 /
The Bohnstedts and the Protestant Reformation
1-4 /
Pastor David Sigismund Bohnstedt


Georg Christian Bohnstedt / (see 1-1-2300)

M, bn: 1687, Deersheim / p: Lutheran pastor in Langerfeld. School director in Halberstadt. Wrote or published "De Experientia Spirituali" 1710-1716 // m: Christina Maria Magdalena Kindervater

1. Johanna Catharina Magdalena (Bohnstedt) / F, ch: 1731, Halberstadt
2. Anna Sophie Ehrentrude (Bonstedt) / F, ch: 1733, Halberstadt / (see
3. Friedrich Eberhardt Wilhelm (Bonstedt) / M, ch: 1736, Halberstadt

sr: B

See Also:
1-2 / The Bohnstedt Family in the Sachsen-Anhalt Region
1-3 /
The Bohnstedts and the Protestant Reformation


Anna Sophie Ehrentrude Bonstedt / (see 1-1-2350)

F, ch: 1733, Halberstadt // m: Ludwig Girschner / p: Royal Prussian [Oberzolldirektor (Senior director of road or bridge tolls)] in Spandau-Berlin.

1. Johann Christian Friedrich Sigismund (Girschner) / M, bn: c 1770 / p: Director of road or bridge tolls in Spandau-Berlin

sr: B

See Also:
1-2 / The Bohnstedt Family in the Sachsen-Anhalt Region


Andreas Bonstedt / (see 1-1-2000)

M, bn: 1650, Jun 6, Egeln, Germany / p: Medical doctor in Halberstadt / d: 1716, May 19, Halberstadt, Germany // m: Magdalena Steffens

1. Catharina Amalia (Bonstädt) / F, ch: 1687, Halberstadt
2. Johann Theodorus (Bonstädt) / M, ch: 1692, Halberstadt
3. Christian Gottlieb (Bonstäd) / M, ch: 1694, Halberstadt / (see

sr: B, J8

See Also:
1-2 / The Bohnstedt Family in the Sachsen-Anhalt Region


Christian Gottlieb Bonstäd / (see 1-1-2700)

M, ch: 1694, Halberstadt / p: Ship's Captain in the Dutch East India Company [?] (uncertain, see narrative )

1. Caroline Christiane Sophie (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: [?] // m: 1769 Dec 14, Berlin to Ernst Friedrich Wilhelm Schartow / bn: c.1738

sr: B, Z15

See Also:
1-2 / The Bohnstedt Family in the Sachsen-Anhalt Region
1-5 / Descendants of David Sigismund Bohnstedt / Bohnstedts and the Dutch East India Company


Simon Bonstedt / (see 1-1-1001)

M, bn: c.1603-1608 *1 // m: 1628 in Langenstein to Gertrud Grothemeiers

1. Barthold (Bonstedt) / M, bn: 1629, Langenstein
2. Margarethen (Bonstedten) / F, bn: 1631, Langenstein
3. Ottilie (Bonsteden) / F, ch: 1632, Langenstein
4. Andreas (Bonstedt) / M, bn: 1634, Langenstein

*1. Assigning an estimated year of birth of 1603-1608 to Simon would make him 20-25 years old when he married in 1628. If he were born any earlier his year of birth would more likely be conflicting with that of his brother Bartholomäus. If he were born later he would have married at a younger and therefore less likely age.

sr: B

See Also:
1-2 / The Bohnstedt Family in the Sachsen-Anhalt Region


Julius Bonstedt *1 / (see 1-1-1001 ↑ )

M, bn: c.1615-1616 / p: Innkeeper in Wolmirsleben // m1: c.1645-1646 to Maria Witte / d: c.1648 [?] / bd: Wolmirsleben // m2: 1648, Egeln to Magdalene Löbbigke // m3: c.1651-1652 to Magdalene Keszelhacke // m4: Christina von Praschwitz

1. Hennig (Bonstedt) / M, bn: 1646, Wolmirsleben / d: 1647, Wolmirsleben
2. Anna (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1649, Wolmirsleben
3. Jacob (Bohnstedt) / M, ch: 1653, Wolmirsleben
4. Caspar (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1655, Wolmirsleben / (see
5. Trina (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: [?] / d: 1676, Wolmirsleben

*1. Since Julius' youngest child was born in 1646 we can give an approximate year of marriage to the mother (Maria Witte) at about 1645-1646. If we give him an estimated year of birth at about 1615-1616 he would have been about 29-30 years old when he first married.

sr: B

See Also:
1-2 / The Bohnstedt Family in the Sachsen-Anhalt Region


Caspar Bohnstedt / (see 1-1-7000)

M, bn: 1655, Wolmirsleben // m: 1678, Wolmirsleben to Ilse Brandes

1. Barthold (Bonstedt) / M, bn: 1679, Wolmirsleben / p: [Rädemachermeister (master wheel maker ?)] in Atzendorf // m: 1702, Wolmirsleben to Catharina Margaretha Schmidt
2. Maria (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1682, Wolmirsleben // m: 1702, Wolmirsleben to Jochim Wöhning
3. Anna (Bohnsted) / F, ch: 1684, Wolmirsleben // m: 1715, Wolmirsleben to Michael Henning
4. Andreas (Bohnsted) / M, ch: 1686, Wolmirsleben / d: 1686, Wolmirsleben
5. Matthäus (Bohnsted) / M, ch: 1688, Wolmirsleben
6. Levin (Bohnsted) / M, ch: 1691, Wolmirsleben
7. Hans (Bohnsted) / M, ch: 1694, Wolmirsleben
8. Margareta (Bohnsted) / F, ch: 1697, Wolmirsleben
9. Jacob (Bohnsted) / M, ch: 1699, Wolmirsleben

sr: B


See Also:
1-2 / The Bohnstedt Family in the Sachsen-Anhalt Region
