
Genealogy 1-6-1:
Prussia and Eastern Germany: Brodtkowitz

Johann Dietrich "Theodor" Bohnstedt, August Wilhelm Bohnstedt, Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt, and the Brodtkowitz line of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II in Prussia and Eastern Germany

here, or on the image above for a detailed genealogical chart showing the various Bohnstedt Family Lines of this group

See Also:
1-18 / The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia
1-19 /
Heraldry and the Bohnstedt Coats-Of-Arms; Prussian Bohnstedt Arms
1-20 / The Bohnstedt Noble Estates
1-21 /
The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II
5-8 /
Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938
5-10 /
Appendix I: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1923)
5-11 /
Appendix J: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1939)

Back to Part 1 ...


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  Stammbaum (diese Website) / Family Tree Chart (this website)
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Johann Dietrich "Theodor" Bohnstedt *1 / (see 1-1-2100, Langeln... ↑ )

M, ch: 1677, Aug 19, Egeln, St. Christophorus church / moved with family to Groß-Machnow after 1722 / p: Landlord, Groß-Machnow province, Senior district magistrate [1725; Domänenpächter in Groß-Machnow; 1733; Konigl Preuss Orinzlicher Oberamtmann von Groß-Machnow] / d: 1747, Aug 22, Groß-Machnow // m: 1721 to Dorothea Elisabeth Mühlmann / bn: 1702, Egeln / d: 1782, Nov 22, Groß-Machnow

1. Anna Dorothea Elisabeth (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1721, Halberstadt [?] // m: Marienwalde [?] to Christian Friedrich Bärchmann, p: [konigl preus Oberamtmann in Marienwalde]
2. Christina Rebekka (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1722, Sep 2, Egeln, Germany
3. Christina Sophia (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1726, Jul 13, Groß-Machnow // m: 1744, to Gottlob Christoph Rosenberg / p: Royal Privy Councilor, Kofenberg [?] [kongl preus Hofrat, Hoffiscal und Pfanner in Halle]
4. Johanna Friederike (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1729, Jul 18, Groß-Machnow // m1: 1747 to Johann Philipp Laue / p: Senior Counselor [konigl preuß Amtsrat] // m2: 1764 to Johann Friedrich Schmidt / p: Senior Forester [konigl preuz Oberförster zu Neuhaus/Neumark]
5. Christina Henriette (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1735, Oct 29, Groß-Machnow // m1: 1753, Jun 19, to Martin Christian Nielfeld / p: Medical doctor // m2: 1766, Berlin, Germany Martin Friedrich Ludwig Eifeldt / p: Doctor
6. August Wilhelm (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1738, Groß-Machnow / (see

*1. The existence of Johan Didrich Bohnstedt and Johann Dietrich "Theodor" Bohnstedt is potentially confusing; the similarity in names, and the fact that they were both born in or about 1677. However, I personally questioned Wolfgang Bohnstedt about this and he was certain of his research; that these were two distinct people - first cousins, one the son of Jacob Bonstedt, born about 1637 in Egeln, and the other, the son of Christoph Bohnstädt who was born in 1643 in Egeln.

sr: B, H1, J8

See Also:
1-18 / The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia
1-19 /
Heraldry and the Bohnstedt Coats-Of-Arms; Prussian Bohnstedt Arms
1-20 / The Bohnstedt Noble Estates
1-21 /
The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II
5-8 / Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938
5-10 / Appendix I: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1923)
5-11 / Appendix J: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1939)


August Wilhelm Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1000 ↑ )

M, bn: 1738, Sep 28, Groß-Machnow / p: Leaseholder and Senior District Magistrate in Groß-Machnow. Estate owner in Rangsdorf, landowner (?) in Nächst-Neuendorf. [Domänenpächter und konigl preuß. Oberamtmann in Groß-Machnow. Gutsbesitzer von Rangsdorf und des Allodialgutes Nächst-Neuendorf] *1 / d: 1815, Jul 16, Nächst-Neuendorf // m1: 1761, Jun 11, to Anna Dorothea Elisabeth Bergmann (or Bärchmann) / d: 1766, Dec 4 *2 // m2: 1767, Jul 7, Groß-Machnow, to Henrica Tugendreich Metz(en) / bn: 1743 or 1738, Brandenburg / d: 1828, May 20, Kaltenhausen Noble-Estate near Kloster-Zinna

1. Theodor August (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1762, Apr 4, Groß-Machnow / d: 1762, Apr 10, Groß-Machnow
2. Carl Wilhelm Gottlieb (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1763, Dec 26, Groß-Machnow / d: 1763, Dec 27, Groß-Machnow
3. August Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm? (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1766, Feb 16, Groß-Machnow / d: 1766, Mar 9, Groß-Machnow *2
4. Dorothea Henrica Juliana (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1769, Groß-Machnow / (see
5. Karl August Heinrich (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1772, Groß-Machnow / (see
6. Ludwig Ferdinand Wilhelm (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1782, Groß-Machnow / (see

*1. "Gutsbesitzer von Rangsdorf und des Allodialgutes Nächst-Neuendorf":  "Gutsbesitzer von Rangsdorf" says that August was an estate owner in Rangsdorf.  Despite the "Rangsdorf" address for the "Salve" facility in Gross Machnow I am confident that the Salve facility was originally addressed in Gross Machnow. This is because Gross Machnow was incorporated into Rangsdorf, perhaps as a kind of suburb, in 2003.  Therefore there must have been another estate in Rangsdorf proper.  As for "Allodialgutes Nächst-Neuendorf", "Allodial" may have come from a medieval Latin word referring to land ownership. Dictionary.com says this word is an adjective, meaning "free from the tenurial rights of a feudal overlord".  So this phrase seems to be referring to a landowner of some sort in Nächst-Neuendorf.
*2. It is likely that both mother and child died during childbirth.  It is clear that August Wilhelm's wife, Anna had no success during childbirth. Both Theodor and Carl died as infants or were stillborn in 1762 and again in 1763.  Then in 1766 the mother, Anna, died the same year as her third and last child; August.

sr: B, H1, J8

See Also:
1-18 / The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia
1-19 /
Heraldry and the Bohnstedt Coats-Of-Arms; Prussian Bohnstedt Arms
1-20 / The Bohnstedt Noble Estates
1-21 /
The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II
5-8 /
Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938
5-10 /
Appendix I: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1923)
5-11 /
Appendix J: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1939)


Dorothea Henrica Juliana Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1100 ↑ )

F, bn: 1769, Jan 15, Groß-Machnow / d: 1814, Feb 10 // m: 1786, Nov 28, to Alexander Ferdinand Bernhard Heinrich Ludwig von Valentini / s: Prussian Army Field Regiment, Captain

1. Christian Wilhelm Ferdinand (von Valentini) / M, bn: 1788, Jan 29
2. Ludwig Heinrich (von Valentini) / M, bn: 1790, Mar 6 / s: Prussian military officer
3. Alexander Julius (von Valentini) / M, bn: 1791, Sep 4 / s: Prussian military officer
4. August Wilhelm Eduard (von Valentini) / M, bn: 1793, Sep 22 / s: Prussian military officer
5. Bernhard Wilhelm (von Valentini) / M, bn: 1796, Aug 1 / s: Prussian military officer

sr: B, J8

See Also:
1-18 / The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia
1-21 /
The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II


Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1100 ↑ )

M, bn: 1772, Jun 23, Groß-Machnow / p: Tenant farmer and Senior District Magistrate in Nächst-Neuendorf.  Leaseholder in Gross Machnow.   Estate owner in Rangsdorf. Court Lord (Senior Court Officer?) in Eichstadt [Gutspächter und Oberamtmann von Nächst-Neuendorf, Domänenpächter von Groß-Machnow, Rittergutsbesitzer von Rangsdorf, Gutsherr von Kreblitz und Grebersdorf, Erb-und Gerichtsherr von Eichstädt] / d: 1838, Nov 12, Rüdersdorf bei Berlin, Brandenburg, Prussia // m: 1796, Trebatsch to Karoline Regina Marianne Maria Reigler / bn: 1775, Trebatsch / d: 1845, Potsdam

1. Karl August Heinrich (Bohnstedt) II / M, bn: 1797, Hirschfelde Estate *1 / (see
2. Ferdinand Wilhelm Adolf (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1798, Hirschfelde Estate / (see
3. Emilie Wilhelmine Maria (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1800, Hirschfelde Estate *2 / (see
4. Julius August Ferdinand Gustav (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1802, Groß-Machnow / (see
5. Albert (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1804, Nächst-Neuendorf / (see
6. Heinrich Julius Ferdinand (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1806, Groß-Machnow / (see
7. Ida Auguste Henriette Caroline (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1808, Jul 25, Groß-Machnow / d: 1840, Jan 1
8. Wilhelmine Mathilde Henriette (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1810, Sep 20, Groß-Machnow / d: 1819, Eichstädt
9. Caroline Auguste Amalie (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1813, Apr 2, Groß-Machnow
10. Dorothee Henriette Pauline (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: c.1814 / (see 1-6-1740   ↓ )
11. Eleonore Juliane Maria Auguste Amalia (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1818 / (see

*1. Some of these Bohnstedt records refer to the "Hirschfelde Estate", while some of them actually refer to the "Hirschfelde Estate" in Gross Machnow".  This is puzzling because so far I've not been able to find any reference to a Hirschfelde Estate in or near Gross Machnow, or anyone named Hirschfelde associated with an estate in Gross Machnow, Rangsdorf, or anywhere else in that general area.  The only town I can find called Hirschfelde is near Werneuchen, northeast of Berlin, about 30-35 miles away.  However, there is a Rittergut - a noble estate - in Hirschfelde.  There is also another town named Hirschfelde, but it is far to the south, near the border with Czech Republic, but this is even less likely to be the correct place.
*2. In the
1923 Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt book Emilie's name is listed as Caroline Emilie Auguste Henriette Bohnstedt, born in 1800. This name seems to be at odds with the results of research conducted by Wolfgang Bohnstedt which gives her name as Emilie Wilhelmine Marie Bohnstedt.  It is also possible that these were twins.

sr: B, H1, J8

See Also:
1-18 / The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia
1-20 / The Bohnstedt Noble Estates
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II

5-10 / Appendix I: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1923)


Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II / (see 1-6-1103 ↑ )

M, bn: 1797, Jul 1, Hirschfelde Estate in Groß-Machnow *1 / p: Owner of the Brodtkowitz Estate / d: 1861 // m: Mathilde von Loeben *2 / bn: 1807, Jun 10

1. Rudolf (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1826, Sep 11, Limberg / p: [konigl preuß Reith-Eleve] / d: 1845, Berlin, Germany
2. Mathilde Louise Therese (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1827, Limberg / (see 1-6-1150 ↓ )
3. Karl Heinrich August (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1832, Brodtkowitz Estate / (see

*1. Some of these Bohnstedt records refer to the "Hirschfelde Estate", while some of them actually refer to the "Hirschfelde Estate" in Gross Machnow".  This is puzzling because so far I've not been able to find any reference to a Hirschfelde Estate in or near Gross Machnow, or anyone named Hirschfelde associated with an estate in Gross Machnow, Rangsdorf, or anywhere else in that general area.  The only town I can find called Hirschfelde is near Werneuchen, northeast of Berlin, about 30-35 miles away.  However, there is a Rittergut - a noble estate - in Hirschfelde.  There is also another town named Hirschfelde, but it is far to the south, near the border with Czech Republic, but this is even less likely to be the correct place.
Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II was the older brother of
Julius August Ferdinand Gustav Bohnstedt, who was married to Ernestine Frederike Wilhelmine Hellmigk von Loeben. It is quite probable that Mathilde von Loeben and Ernestine Frederike von Loeben were also related.

sr: B, H1 , Z32

See Also:
1-18 / The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia
1-20 / The Bohnstedt Noble Estates
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II


Mathilde Louise Therese Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1104 ↑ )

F, bn: 1827 Nov 5, Limberg / d: 1880, Löbau // m: 1844 Oct 16-17, Laasow, Brandenburg, Prussia, to Carl Richard ("Rochus") Püschel / p: Banker

1. Charlotte Mathilde Valesca (Püschel) / F, bn: 1849 Apr 1
2. Louise Clara Mathilde (Püschel) / F, bn: 1850 Dec 19

sr: Z32

See Also:
1-18 / The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia
1-20 / The Bohnstedt Noble Estates
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II


Karl Heinrich August Bohnstedt *1  / (see 1-6-1104 ↑ )

M, bn: 1832, Mar 23, Brodtkowitz Estate / p: Owner of the Georgewitz Estate near Löbau / d: 1912, Groß-Lichterfelde // m: Constanza Gottliebe Anders / bn: 1838 / d: 1882, Löbau

1. Kurt Karl Rudolf (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1859, Nieder Cosel / (see
2. Franz Felix Max (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1861, Georgewitz Estate / (see
1-6-1300 ↓ )
3. Karl Alexander (Bohnstedt) *2 / M, bn: 1864, Jul 5, Georgewitz Estate / p: Forestry Superintendent candidate [Forstamtskandidat] / d: 1883 near Olbernau [?] [erschossen im Forstschutz, 1883 in Olbernau]
4. Karl (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1871, Georgewitz Estate / p: Merchant in Korbigsdorf near Löbau / d: 1892 *3
5. Marie (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1874, Georgewitz Estate / (see
6. Friedrich "Fritz" (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1875, Georgewitz Estate / (see
7. Walter Rudolf (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1880, Georgewitz Estate / (see
1-7-1000, Norway... ↓ ) *4

*1. Previous information provided by Wolfgang Bohnstedt indicated that Karl's name was Carl August Rudolf Bohnstedt.  However, a birth certificate for his son, Fritz, indicates that his name was Karl Heinrich August Bohnstedt.  Despite this, it is interesting that at least two of his sons had the middle name of "Rudolf"  It is possible that Rudolf was indeed one of his middle names, but did not appear on Fritz's birth certificate.  It's also possible that the sons bearing the middle name of Rudolf were named after their uncle, Rudolf, who, according to available records, died at the young age of 19 years .
Alexander's first name: "Karl" was derived from a German publication "Programm des Gymnasiums zu Bautzen", perhaps some sort of graduation program (??) from a high school in Bautzen, near Georgewitz-Lobau.
The 1939 Stammbaum gave Karl's year of death as 1883, and lists his occupation as a merchant (Kaufman) in Korbigsdorf.  This cant be correct though, because he would have been a 12-year-old merchant.  The 1923 Stammbaum gives his date of death as 1892. This would mean that he was a 21 year old merchant; somewhat young, but still possible that he began a business career as a young man, but died soon after.
Walter migrated from Germany to Finland, then to Norway in 1921 and founded a Bohnstedt family line there.

sr: A38, B, H1, J8, K

See Also:
1-18 / The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia
1-20 / The Bohnstedt Noble Estates
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II

5-10 / Appendix I: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1923)
5-11 / Appendix J: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1939)


Kurt Karl Rudolf Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1200 ↑ )

M, bn: 1859 Mar, Nieder Cosel / i: Moved to Innsbruck, Austria / p: Instructor at an Officer Training School (Academy), Lichterfelde [Dr. phil. Oberlehrer an der Hauptkadettenanstalt Lichterfelde] / d: 1937, Innsbruck, Austria // m1: Anna Groß / d: 1903 // m2: Married to Barbara Regneri before 1912 / d: c.1923-1924

1. Edith (Bohnstedt) *1 / F, bn: 1912 in Mecklenburg / d: 1914
2. Gottliebe Christine Annelies Emide Therese (Bohnstedt) *1 / F, bn: 1912, Aug 5 / ch: 1912, Sep 5, Mecklenburg-Schwerin

*1. These two may be the same person, or twins.  Source H1 lists a child named Edith, but source R15 lists Gottliebe Christine Annelies Emide Therese.  So far I cannot find any record of Edith Bohnstedt born to Kurt and Barbara.

sr: B, H1, J8, R15, Z32

See Also:
1-18 / The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II


Franz Felix Max Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1200 ↑ )

M, bn: 1861 Jan 13, Georgewitz Estate near Löbau / i: Relocated or emigrated to Guadalajara, Mexico / p: Land broker and hotel owner in Chapala, Mexico, and later in Guadalajara, Mexico / d: 1923 Apr 7, Guadalajara, Mexico / bd: Panteón Guadalajara, AKA Cementerio Municipal Guadalajara (Guadalajara Muncipal Cemetery) // m: 1888, Mar 15, Berlin, to Aline Sophie Laura Gertrude Heintzsch / bn: 1866, Jan 29, Germany / d: c. [am nach] 1938

1. Gertrud Adelheid Eva Gottlieb Charlotte (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1889 Jan 29, Berlin, Germany / d: [?], Berlin, Germany // m: 1931 Oct 26, Guadalajara, Mexico to Alberto (or Alfonso) Cayetano Monteverde

sr: B, H1, J8, K, Z12, Z13

See Also
1-18 / The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II
1-23 /
The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; Max Bohnstedt, and Hotel Bohnstedt in Mexico
5-8 / Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938


Marie Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1200 ↑ )

M, bn: 1874, May 19, Georgewitz Estate near Löbau in Sachsen (Saxony) // m: Karl Schwetasch / p: [Chefinenieur] in Leipzig

1. Lotte (Schwetasch) / F, bn: 1901

sr: B, J8, K

See Also
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II

5-8 / Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938


Friedrich "Fritz" Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1200 ↑ )

M, bn: 1875 Feb 5, Georgewitz Estate near Löbau, Sachsen (Saxony) / s: Army, Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr.5, WWI / p: Technician or Technical clerk [?] in Ludwigschafen, Germany / d: 1950, Jan 9, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany  // m: 1906, Oct 13, Ludwigshafen am Rhein, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany, to Wilhelmine Kübler / bn: 1885, Aug 11

1. Max (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1907, Ludwigschafen, Germany / (see
2. Heinrich (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1909 Jul 2, Ludwigschafen, Germany

sr: B, H1, K

See Also
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II

5-8 / Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938


Max Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1600 ↑ )

M, bn: 1907, Jun 18, Ludwigschafen, Germany / p: Technician, Installer / d: 1997 / bd: Böllenborn Cemetery, Bollenborn, Südliche Weinstraßener Landkreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany // m: Marie Bauer / bn: 1905 / d: 1990 / bd: Böllenborn Cemetery, Bollenborn, Südliche Weinstraßener Landkreis, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany

1. Gabriele (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1929, Jul 22, Ludwigschafen, Germany / (see 1-6-1605 ↓ )
2. Walter Heinrich (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1931, Jun 2, Ludwigschafen, Germany / (see 1-6-1610 ↓ )
3. Sigelinde (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1932, May 19, Ludwigschafen, Germany / (see 1-6-1648 ↓ )
4. Brunhilde (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1933, Jun 22, Ludwigschafen, Germany / (see 1-6-1649 ↓ )
5. Günther (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1938, Apr 20, Germany / (see 1-6-1650 ↓ )

sr: A248, B, H1, K, U101

See Also
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II

5-8 / Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938


Gabriele Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1601 ↑ )

F, bn: 1929, Jul 22, Ludwigschafen, Germany // m: Wolfgang Handel / bn: 1925, Nov 24 / d: 2019, Apr 12

1. Gunter (Handel) / M, bn: 1951
2. Evelyn (Handel) / F, bn: 1954
3. Markus (Handel) / M, bn: 1967

sr: A248


See Also
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II


Walter Heinrich Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1601 ↑ )

M, bn: 1931 Jun 2, Ludwigschafen, Germany // m: Waltraud -?-

1. Dorothea (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: [?]
2. Andreas (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: [?]

sr: A248

See Also
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II


Sigelinde Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1601 ↑ )

F, bn: 1932, May 19, Ludwigschafen, Germany // m: Heiner Örther (deceased)

1. Siegfried (Örther) / M, bn: [?]
2. Traugott (Örther) / M, bn: [?] / p: Church Pastor
3. Christine (Örther) / F, bn: [?]
4. Gabriele (Örther) / F, bn: [?]

sr: A248

See Also
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II


Brunhilde Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1601 ↑ )

F, bn: 1933, Jun 22, Ludwigschafen, Germany // m: Siegfried Straube / bn: [?] / d: 2019

1. Christian (Straube) / M, bn: [?]
2. Michael (Straube) / M, bn: [?]
3. Angelika (Straube) / F, bn: [?]

sr: A248

See Also
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II


Günther Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1601 ↑ )

M, bn: 1938 Apr 20, Germany / e: Doctor of Natural Sciences // m: Margot -?-

1. Anette (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: [?]
2. Axel (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: [?]

sr: A248

See Also
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II


Emilie Wilhelmine Maria Bohnstedt *1 / (see 1-6-1103 ↑ )

F, bn: 1800, Aug 19, Hirschfelde Estate in Groß-Machnow *2 / d: 1877, Torgau // m: 1823, Eichstädt to Heinrich Andreas Friedrich Wernicke / bn: 1798, Merseburg

1. Auguste Caroline Heinrike Johanna Amanda (Wernicke) / F, bn: 1824, Eilenburg, Germany
2. Maria Emilie (Wernicke) / F, bn: [?] // m: 1853 to Leopold Hermann Adalbert Schulz

*1. In the 1923 Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt book Emilie's name is listed as Caroline Emilie Auguste Henriette Bohnstedt, born in 1800. This name seems to be at odds with the results of research conducted by Wolfgang Bohnstedt which gives her name as Emilie Wilhelmine Marie Bohnstedt.
*2. Some of these Bohnstedt records refer to the "Hirschfelde Estate", while some of them actually refer to the "Hirschfelde Estate" in Gross Machnow".  This is puzzling because so far I've not been able to find any reference to a Hirschfelde Estate in or near Gross Machnow, or anyone named Hirschfelde associated with an estate in Gross Machnow, Rangsdorf, or anywhere else in that general area.  The only town I can find called Hirschfelde is near Werneuchen, northeast of Berlin, about 30-35 miles away.  However, there is a Rittergut - a noble estate - in Hirschfelde.  There is also another town named Hirschfelde, but it is far to the south, near the border with Czech Republic, but this is even less likely to be the correct place.

sr: B, Z32

See Also
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II

5-10 / Appendix I: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1923)


Julius August Ferdinand Gustav Bohnstedt *1 / (see 1-6-1103 ↑ )

M, bn: 1802, Aug 20, Groß-Machnow / p: Horse handler, Royal stall master in Berlin, Germany [Stallmeister] / d: 1865, Mar 1, Berlin, Germany // m: 1845, Oct 28, Krieschow, Papitz, Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany, to Ernestine Frederike Wilhelmine Hellmigk von Loeben *2 / bn: 1816, Aug 26, Berlin, Germany

1. Frieda Auguste Therese (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1849, Jun 22, Berlin, Germany / d: 1859, Feb 10, Berlin, Germany

*1. A marriage record, and a record of death and burial bothl list this man's name as "August Heinrich Bohnstedt", while other records list his name, alternately, as "August Gustav Bohnstedt", and "Julius August Gustav Bohnstedt" (1923 Stammbaum).  This has led me to wonder whether his full name was "Julius August Heinrich Ferdinand Gustav Bohnstedt", or some variation thereof.
*2. Julius August Ferdinand Gustav Bohnstedt was the younger brother of
Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II, who was married to Mathilde von Loeben. It is probable that Ernestine Frederike von Loeben and Mathilde von Loeben were also related.

sr: B, H1, J8, V

See Also
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II

5-10 / Appendix I: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1923)


Dorothee Henriette Pauline Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1103 ↑ )

F, bn: c.1814 // m: 1844, May 12, Magdeburg, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany, to Ernst Dalan (or Dulon) / bn: 1812 / d: 1884, Mar 31

1. Gertrude Caroline Julie (Dalan) / F, bn: 1845 / ch: 1845, Magdeburg

sr: B, J8, Z32


See Also
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II


Eleonore Juliane Maria Auguste Amalia Bohnstedt *1 / (see 1-6-1103 ↑ )

F, bn: 1818 // m: 1843, Nov 13, Berlin, Germany, to Ferdinand Herman von Valentini / s: Lieutenant

1. Caroline Pauline Clara (von Valentini) / F, bn: 1844, Frankfurt [?]
2. Julie Rosa (von Valentini) / F, bn: 1845, Potsdam / d: 1881, Görlitz

*1. This person is listed as "Julianne" on the 1939 Stammbaum

sr: B, J8

See Also
1-21 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II
