
Genealogy 2-2:
Bernburg, Germany 2

The Descendants of Johann Friedrich Bohnstedt

here, or on the image above for a detailed genealogical chart showing the various Bohnstedt Family Lines of this group

See Also:
2-1 /
Researching the Bohnstedt Families in Bernburg and in Denmark
2-2 /
From Bernburg to Berlin and Dresden

Back to Part 2 ...


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Johann Friedrich Bohnstedt

M, bn: 1750 in [?] / p: Master tailor in Bernburg, Germany / d: before 1800

1. Johann Friedrich (Bohnstedt) II / M, bn: 1776, Bernburg, Germany / (see
2-2-1001 ↓ )

sr: A245, B


Johann Friedrich Bohnstedt II / (see 2-2-1000)

M, bn: 1777, Jan 29, Bernburg, Germany [?] / p: Master tailor in Bernburg, Germany / d: 1858, Feb 26, Bernburg, Germany // m1: 1800, Bernburg, Germany to Dorothea Friederike Henriette Mebes / bn: before 1777, Baalberge / d: 1816, Bernburg, Germany // m2: 1817, Apr 20, Bernburg, Germany to Henriette Grabau / bn: 1787, Nov 28, Bernburg, Germany / d: 1847, Sep 30

1. Johanne Magdalena (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1800, Bernburg, Germany *1 / d: 1801, Bernburg, Germany
2. Friederike Henriette (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1800, Bernburg, Germany *1 / d: 1801, Bernburg, Germany
3. Johann Richard Friedrich (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1802, Bernburg, Germany / (see
2-2-1004 ↓ )
4. Friederike Elisabeth (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1810, probably Bernburg
5. Carl Friedrich (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1813, Bernburg, Germany
6. Dorothea Friederike (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1815, Bernburg, Germany / d: 1815, Bernburg, Germany
7. Henriette Dorothea (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1818, Bernburg, Germany
8. Johann Friedrich (Bohnstedt) III / M, bn: 1820, Bernburg, Germany / (see
2-2-5000 ↓ )
9. Christian Friedrich Ernst (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1822, Bernburg, Germany
10. Johann Jacob Carl (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1825, Bernburg, Germany
11. Friederike Christine (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1828, Bernburg, Germany / d: 1832, Bernburg, Germany

*1. Twins

srA245, B


Johann Richard Friedrich Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-1001 ↑ )

M, bn: 1802 / p: Master tailor in Bernburg, Germany / d: 1882, Bernburg, Germany // m: 1839 Sep 22, Dresden, Germany to Christiane Juliane Wilhelmine Bindenagel / bn: 1809, Dresden, Germany

1. -?- (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1840, Bernburg, Germany / d: 1840 (Stillborn)
2. -?- (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1841, Bernburg, Germany / d: 1841 (stillborn)
3. Friedrich Wilhelm (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1842, Bernburg, Germany
4. August Gustav Adolph (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1845, Bernburg, Germany / (see
2-2-1100 ↓ )
5. Johanne Friederike (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1848, Bernburg, Germany
6. Eduard Gustav (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1852, Bernburg, Germany

sr: B


August Gustav Adolf Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-1004)

M, bn: 1845, Bernburg, Germany / p: [Klempnermeister (master plumber, or master metal worker)] in Bernburg, Germany / d: 1886, Bernburg, Germany // m: 1869, Bernburg, Germany to Sophie Friederike Lange / bn: 1844, Baalberge / d: 1918, Bernburg, Germany

1. Emma (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1869, Bernburg, Germany
2. Rudolf Gottlieb Ernst August (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1873, Bernburg, Germany / (see
2-2-1102 ↓ )

sr: B


Rudolf Gottlieb Ernst August Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-1100)

M, bn: 1873, May 3, Bernburg, Germany / p: [Klempnermeister (master plumber, or master metal worker)] in Berlin / d: 1946 Dec 3, Berlin-Schmöckwitz // m: 1900, Oct 22, Berlin-Luisenstadt to Louise Margarethe Fiedler / bn: 1880, Jun 30, Berlin-Luisenstadt / d: 1955, Templin-Engelsburg

1. Rudolf Hermann (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1901, Berlin-Luisenstadt / (see
2-2-1103 ↓ )
2. Else Margarethe (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1905 Jul 4, Berlin-Luisenstadt / d: 1907 Oct 7, Berlin
3. Else Friederike Margarethe (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1908 Sep 10, Berlin-Luisenstadt / d: 1909 Jul 5, Berlin
4. (baby) (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: c.1921 / d: 1921 Nov 5

sr: B


Rudolf Hermann Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-1102)

M, bn: 1901 Jul 23, Berlin-Luisenstadt / p: Master plumber, plumbing installer in Berlin / d: 1977, Berlin-Zehlendorf // m: 1925 Apr 4, Berlin-Neukölln to Erna Frieda Henriette Kadler / bn: 1904 Apr 14, Charlottenburg-Berlin / d: 1965, Berlin-Neukölln

1. Gertraud Frieda Margarete (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1928, Berlin-Kreuzberg / (see
2-2-1104 ↓ )
2. Wolfgang Norbert Rudolf (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1945, Berlin-Kreuzberg / (see
2-2-1105 ↓ )

sr: B


Gertraud Frieda Margarete Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-1103)

F, bn: 1928, Berlin-Kreuzberg / p: Bookkeeper in Berlin // m: 1949, Berlin Kreuzberg to Günther Rechenberg / bn: 1925 [?], Münchehofe

1. Gerd Manfred Klaus (Rechenberg) / M, bn: 1949, Berlin-Kreuzberg / p: Auto mechanic // m: 1973, Berlin-Neukölln to Ilona Edith Mielke

1a. Marina (Rechenberg) / F, bn: 1976, Berlin
1b. Daniela (Rechenberg) / F, bn: 1979, Berlin

2. Monika Helga Evelyn (Rechenberg) / F, bn: 1952, Berlin-Neukölln / p: Medical assistant in Berlin // m: Knuth-Michael Jenke / p: Businessman

2a. Sven Michael (Jenke) / M, bn: [?]

sr: B


Wolfgang Norbert Rudolf Bohnstedt *1 / (see 2-2-1103)

M, bn: 1945, Berlin-Kreuzberg / p: Plumber & businessman; Owner of "Aquatech" // m: 1966, Berlin-Kreuzberg to Jutta Elise Anna Stadach / bn: 1948, Berlin-Friedrichshain / p: Bookkeeper

1. Andrea Ella Erna (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1967, Berlin-Templehof / p: Dental assistant in Berlin
2. Ariane Daniela (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1968, Berlin-Templehof / (see
2-2-1107 ↓ )
3. Christoph Rudolf Gerd (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1970, Berlin-Templehof / p: Installer in Kiel

*1. Wolfgang researched and recovered much of the material presented in this work, and is therefore named as the "Co-Author"

sr: A2, B

See Also:
2-1 /
Introduction to Part 2 / Researching the Bohnstedt Families in Bernburg and in Denmark
2-2 /
From Bernburg to Berlin and Dresden


Ariane Daniela Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-1105)

F, bn: 1968, Berlin-Templehof / p: Legal assistant in Berlin // m: 1987, Berlin-Wedding to Robert Carsten Oswald Kämmer / bn: 1967, Berlin-Neukölln / p: Pipe fitter

1. Madita Jutta Karin (Kämmer) / F, bn: 1988, Berlin-Zehlendorf
2. Cecilia Jutta Karin (Kämmer) / F, bn: 1990, Berlin-Zehlendorf

sr: B


Johann Friedrich Bohnstedt III / (see 2-2-1001)

M, bn: 1820, Jun 30, Bernburg, Germany / p: Carpenter in Bernburg, Germany / d: 1862, Feb 22, Bernburg, Germany // m1: 1847, to Auguste Christiane Hartung / bn:1824, Feb 19 / d: 1859, Jul 10 // m2: 1860 to Marie Christiane Charlotte Noah

1. Karl Franz (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1849, Bernburg, Germany / (see 2-2-5001 ↓ )
2. Friederike Caroline Auguste (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1853 Aug 7, prob Bernburg / d: 1946 May 26, Los Angeles California / bd: Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale California // m: 1880 Apr 27, Westlich, Dresden, Germany, to Heinrich Moritz Frauenstein / bn: 1851 Oct 3
3. Friedrich Marcus Theodor Gustav (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1857, Bernburg, Germany / (see
2-2-6000 ↓ )
4. Sophie Marie Friederike (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1860 May 9, Bernburg, Germany / (see
2-2-7000 ↓ )

sr: A245, B


Karl Franz Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-5000)

M, bn: 1849 Jan 4, Bernburg, Germany / d: 1902 Jul 14, Dresden, Germany // m: 1872 May 5, Dresden, Germany, to Anna Pauline Jentsch / bn: 1848 Aug 25 / d: 1915 Sep 17, Dresden, Germany

1. Franz Otto (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1871 Jul 2 / (see 2-2-5002 ↓ )
Pauline Bertha (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1873 Jan 11 / ch: 1873 Feb 18, Dresden, Germany
3. -?- (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1874 / d: 1874, Jul 7 / bd: Dresden, Germany
4. Auguste Martha Margaret (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1875 Jun 2 / ch: 1875, Dresden, Germany
5. Franziska Elsa (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1876 Oct 3, Dresden, Germany / d: 1877 Aug 18, Dresden, Germany
6. Oskar Richard Willÿ (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1878, Dresden, Germany / (see 2-2-5100 ↓ )
7. Elisabeth Cölestine Gertrud (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1879 Jul 13, Dresden, Germany // m: 1898 Feb 7, Dresden, Germany, to Ludwig Clemens Küttner / bn: 1873 Aug 10
8. Willy Kurt (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: c.1881, Germany *1

9. Hermann Max (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1884 Jan 10, Dresden, Germany / d: 1937 May 1, Dresden, Germany // m: 1914 Jul 10, Dresden, Germany, to Klara Elsa Pötzsch / bn: 1882 Sep 4
10. Franz Hugo (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1886 Jan 3, Dresden, Germany
11. Georg Walter (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1889 Oct 24, Dresden, Germany // m: 1918 Jul 18, Dresden Germany, to Marga Ida Linge / bn: 1894 Sep 5
12. Valeska Charlotte (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1891 Apr 17, Dresden, Germany

*1. The father-son relationship between Karl Franz Bohnstedt and Willy Kurt Bohnstedt was provided by Ralph Bohnstedt's father; Gerd Bohnstedt.  According to Ralph, Gerd believed his great-grandfather's name was Karl Franz Bohnstedt.  This is a little bit puzzling because there are documents for all of the other children of Karl Franz and Anna Pauline Bohnstedt, except for Willy Kurt Bohnstedt.  However, there are no documents available that would argue against this assertion. There is circumstantial evidence that would support a theory that Willy Kurt WAS Karl Franz and Ann Bohnstedt's child.  First, there is a 5-year time gap between Karl Franz's daughter Elisabeth Cölestine Gertrud (born 1879), and his son Hermann Max (born 1884) where another child should be. Second, Willy Kurt and his wife Agnes had their first child, Klara, in 1902. Willy was most likely between 20-30 years old when Klara was born.  That would put Willy's year of birth anywhere between 1872 - 1882. If we narrow down Willy's possible year of birth to fit in between Elisabeth and Hermann (1879 - 1884) it would place Willy's year of birth at about 1880 - 1883.  This would make Willy's age when Klara was about to be born about 19 - 22 years old. Finally, if we assign a presumed age for Willy to be about 21 years old when Klara was born he would have been born about 1881, which is almost exactly halfway between 1879 and 1884.

sr: A245, S45, Z32


Franz Otto Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-5001)

M, bn: 1871 Jul 2  // m: 1896 Oct 17, Dresden, Germany, to Amalie Frida Ringel / bn: 1876 Aug 21, Dresden / d: 1949 Dec 15, Dresden, Germany

1. Otto Hans (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1897 Apr 4, Dresden, Germany / d: 1918 Aug 16, Dresden, Germany
2. Alfred Franz (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1899 Aug 28, Dresden, Germany / d: 1900 Dec 6, Dresden
3. Fritz Willy (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1903 May 24, Dresden, Germany

sr: Z32  Ancestry.com


Oskar Richard Willy Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-5001)

M, bn: 1878 Feb 28, Dresden, Germany // m: 1903 Mar 4, Dresden, Germany, to Klara Notz / bn: 1879 Apr 14 / d: 1926, Jul 11, Dresden, Germany

1. Anna Marie Klara (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1903 May 1, Germany / d: 1992
2. Willy Kurt Erhard (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1904 Jun 13, Germany / (see 2-2-5110 ↓ )

sr: A245, S62, Z32


Willy Kurt Erhard Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-5100)

M, bn: 1904 Jun 13, Germany / p: Postal official / d: 1997 // m: Johanna Helena Bungarten

1. Edith (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1931, Germany
2. Gerd Johann Wilhelm (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1934, Germany / (see 2-2-5112 ↓ )
3. Helga (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1937, Germany
4. Gisela (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1939, Germany
5. Brigitte (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1945, Germany

sr: A245, S62


Gerd Johann Wilhelm Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-5110)

M, bn: 1934, Germany / p: Professional engineer // m: Gisela Krebs / bn: 1938, Feb 10, Halle-Saale, Germany / d: 2017, Dec 4

1. Ralph (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1959 Apr 13, Bonn, Germany / e: University / p: 1990-2003, GIRA S.n.c., Massa Marittima, Italy, Chief Executive Officer (Owner-Manager, self-employed).  2004-2007, Idrovital S.r.l., Empoli, Italy, Chief Technology Officer.  2008-2011, ECAS QUATTRO, Bologna, Italy, Chief Technology Officer.  2010-Present, Slef-employed, "Ralphbo Consulting Engineer", Berlin Germany. 2013-2018, Ecolab Engineering GmbH, Germany, Technical Sales.  2014-2016, German Water Technologies Inc., Bangkok, Thailand, Chief Technology Officer.  2015-Present, KS natec AG, Zürich Switzerland, Senior Water Technologist and Compliance Manager  // m: 2020 Dec 8, Berlin Germany, to Paritah "MayZa" Sirataweepoom / bn: 1973 Apr 8, Chumphon province, Thailand / e: Dhurakij Pundit University, Bachelor's degree in accounting, 1994 / p: Station Master at the State Railway of Thailand, (S.R.T Electrified Train Company Limited)

sr: A245


Friedrich Marcus Theodor Gustav Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-5000)

M, bn: 1857, May 6, Bernburg, Germany / d: 1940, Jul 5, Dresden, Germany // m1: 1880, Mar 30, Dresden, Germany, to Martha Olga Dietze / bn: 1859, Aug 29 / d: 1906 May 30 // m2: 1906 Oct 20, Dresden, Germany to Marie Thekla Halve-Steinberg / bn: 1873, Sep 4 // m3: 1910, Jul 25, Dresden, Germany, to Luise Charlotte Martha Fischer (or Fiedler) / bn: 1868, Jun 13 / d: 1949, Oct 19, Dresden, Germany

1. Theodor Walther (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1880, Apr 26, Dresden, Germany / d: 1880, Dec 30, Dresden, Germany
2. Friedrich Erhard Conrad (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1882, Apr 14, Dresden, Germany / (see
2-2-6100 ↓ )
3. Friedrich Erhard (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1883, Jun 11, Dresden, Germany / d: 1883, Jul 27, Dresden, Germany
4. Richard Arthur (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1884, Jul 14, Dresden, Germany / d: 1884, Jul 25, Dresden, Germany
5. Amalie Olga Marie (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1885, Sep 2, Dresden, Germany / d: 1885, Sep 29, Dresden, Germany
6. Olga Martha (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1886, Nov 18, Dresden, Germany // m: 1911, May 10, Dresden, Germany, to Kurt Walter Adam / bn: 1887, Jul 12
7. Hans Rudolf Richard (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1888, Mar 13, Dresden, Germany / d: 1888, Jul 4, Dresden, Germany
8. Richard Hans (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1889 Apr 15, Dresden, Germany // m: 1920 Apr 6, Dresden Germany, to Marie Hedwig Goltzsche / bn: 1891 Sep 5
9. Elsa Kamilla Martha (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1890, Oct 25, Dresden, Germany // m: 1911, Apr 15, Dresden, Germany, to Erich Konrad Dahms / bn: 1886, Jan 26
10. Robert Reinhold (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1892, Apr 26, Dresden, Germany / d: 1892, Jul 26, Dresden, Germany
11. Alma Margarethe (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1893, Nov 29, Dresden, Germany / d: 1923, Feb 3, Dresden, Sachsen (Saxony), Deutschland // m: 1920, Jun 1, Dresden, Germany, to Arthur Otto Zehrfeld / bn: 1881, May 18
12. Eugenie Rosa (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1896, Jun 27, Dresden, Germany
13. Eugenie Dora (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1899, Jun 4, Dresden, Germany
14. Olga Emma (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1901, Nov 11, Dresden, Germany / d: 1950, Dec 3, Halle, Sachsen-Anhalt (Saxony-Anhalt), Deutschland // m: Otto Kirpal
15. Helene Johanna (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1905 May 9, Dresden, Germany
16. Walter (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1907, Dresden, Germany / (see
2-2-6700 ↓ )

sr: B, S45, S61, Z32, Stadtarchiv Halle (Saale); Halle (Saale), Deutschland


Friedrich Erhard Conrad Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-6000 ↑ )

M, bn: 1882, Apr 19, Dresden, Germany / d: 1957 Jun 20, Westlich, Dresden, Sachsen (Saxony), Deustchland // m1: 1905, Nov 25, Dresden, Germany, to Karoline Amalie Rompel / bn: 1878, Jul 11 / d: 1906, Oct 29, Dresden, Germany // m2: 1907, Apr 27, Dresden, Germany, Klara Emma Wehner / bn: 1882, Apr 13

1. Herbert (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1908 / (see
2-2-6101 ↓ )

sr: B


Herbert Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-6100)

M, bn: 1908

1. Barbara (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1937

sr: B


Walter Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-6000)

M, bn: 1907, Dresden, Germany / d: 1992, Berlin // m: Johanna -?-

1. Monika (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: [?]

sr: B


Sophie Marie Friederike Bohnstedt / (see 2-2-5000)

F, bn: 1860 May 9, Bernburg, Germany // m: 1882 Nov 6, Dresden, to Armand Hergt / bn: 1857 Jun 11

1. Fanny Margaretha (Hergt) / F, bn: 1884 Feb 18, Dresden Germany / d: 1884 Jul 19
2. Max Armand (Hergt) / M, bn: 185 Apr 9, Dresden, Germany / d: 1959 May 29, Victoria, Australia // m:  Blanche Alice Kewish / bn: 1890 / d: 1967 Apr 4
3. George Gustav (Hergt) / [M, bn: 1886 May 7, Dresden, Germany / d: 1949 Nov 6, Fitzroy, Victoria // m: c.1918, Victoria, Australia, to Phoebe Hilton / bn: c.1895 / d: 1981 Jan 2

sr: Z32, Stadtarchiv Halle (Saale); Halle (Saale), Deutschland
