
Genealogy 1-7:

The Descendants of Walter Rudolf Bohnstedt in Norway

here, or on the image above for a detailed genealogical chart showing the various Bohnstedt Family Lines of this group

See Also:
1-18 / The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia
1-23 /
The Brodkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Bohnstedts in Norway
5-8 /
Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938
5-10 /
Appendix I: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1923)
5-11 /
Appendix J: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1939)

Back to Part 1 ...


Icon Key:

  Stammbaum (diese Website) / Family Tree Chart (this website)
  Ancestry.com (erfordert Ancestry.com-Konto und Login / requires Ancestry.com account and login)
  Erzählseite zu dieser Familienlinie / Narrative Page pertaining to this family line
  Erzählung über eine einzelne Person in dieser Familienlinie / Narrative Page pertaining to an individual in this family line
  Foto / Photo
  Persönliche oder geschäftliche externe Website / Personal or Business External Website


Walter Rudolf Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1200 ↑ )

M, bn: 1880, Jul 19, Georgewitz Estate near Lobau / i: Relocated to Finland, later Norway in 1921 / p: Director of "AEG Electrizitätswerke" in Åbo, Finland and Craiova, Romania. After 1921 Walter was founder and owner of "Walter Bohnstedt A/S", an electrical engineering company in Oslo, Norway. He was also a representative of the German fair trades in Norway / d: 1970, Oslo, Norway / bd: Vestre Cemetery, Oslo, Norway // m: 1916, Vienna, Austria to Gunvor Erichson / bn: 1897, Oslo, Norway / d: 1983, Oslo, Norway / bd: Vestre Cemetery, Oslo, Norway

1. -?- (Bohnstedt) / [?], bn: [?], Finland / d: Died five days after birth
2. Hjørdis "Bonnie" (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1920, Jul 10, Åbo, Finland / p: Executive secretary, 20 years / d: 2006, Norway
3. Solveig (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1924, Aug 26, Oslo, Norway *1 / (see
1-7-1001 ↓ )
4. Gunvor (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1924, Aug 26, Oslo, Norway *1 / (see
1-7-2000 ↓ )
5. Else (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1924, Aug 26, Oslo, Norway *1 / (see
1-7-3000 ↓ )

*1. Triplets

sr: A38, A183, B, H1, J8, K

See Also:
1-23 / The Brodkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Bohnstedts in Norway

5-8 / Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938


Solveig Bohnstedt / (see 1-7-1000 ↑ )

F, bn: 1924, Aug 26,, Oslo, Norway / p: Shareholder in Walter Bohnstedt A/S. Artist (painter). // m: 1965, Trondheim, Norway to Nils Asbjörn Sundlo / bn: 1924 / p: Chief engineer

1. Ole Walter (Sundlo) / M, bn: 1966

 sr: A38


See Also:
1-23 /
The Brodkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Bohnstedts in Norway


Gunvor "Tullick" Bohnstedt / (see 1-7-1000 ↑ )

F, bn: 1924, Aug 26,, Oslo, Norway / p: Shareholder of "Walter Bohnstedt A/S" / d: 1994; Oslo, Norway // m: 1948, Hvitstein, Norway near Oslofjord to Henrik Fredrik Neergaard Ingerslev / bn: 1925, København, Denmark / p: Managing director of "Walter Bohnstedt A/S" / d: 1976, Oslo, Norway / bd: Vestre Cemetery, Oslo, Norway

1. Siri Gunvor (Ingerslev) / F, bn: 1949, Oslo, Norway // m: 1973 [?], Oslo, Norway to Terje Didrikson / bn: 1943, Oslo, Norway / p: Journalist

1a. Christian Ingerslev (Didrikson) / M, bn: c.1973
1b. Alexander Ingerslev (Didrikson) / M, bn: c.1979

2. Hanne Bohnstedt (Ingerslev) / F, bn: 1954

sr: A38, A183, K


See Also:
1-23 /
The Brodkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Bohnstedts in Norway


Else Bohnstedt / (see 1-7-1000 ↑ )

F, bn: 1924, Aug 26,, Oslo, Norway, Norway / p: Shareholder of "Walter Bohnstedt A/S". Journalist / i: Relocated to Denmark / d: 2007, Copenhagen, Denmark // m: 1950, Valdres, Norway to Nils Gerhard Aas / bn: 1922, Kragerö, Norway / p: Hotel manager

1. Jan Gerhard (Bohnstedt) *1 / M, bn: 1951, Oslo, Norway / (see
1-7-3001 ↓ )
2. Elisabeth (Bohnstedt) *1 / F, bn: 1956, Oslo, Norway / (see
1-7-3100 ↓ )

*1. Both children were born under the surname "Aas" but later took their mother's maiden name "Bohnstedt".

sr: A38, A183


See Also:
1-23 /
The Brodkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Bohnstedts in Norway


Jan Gerhard Bohnstedt / (see 1-7-3000 ↑ )

M, bn: 1951, Oct 28, Oslo, Norway / p: Entrepreneur and taxi operator / i: Relocated to Denmark / d: 2018, Sep 6, Malmö, Sweden / bd: St. Pauli mellersta kyrkogård, Malmö, Skåne län, Sweden // m: Cheryll Avance (dv)

1. David (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1977, København (Copenhagen), Denmark / (see 1-7-3010 ↓ )
2. Maria Lykke (Andersen) / F, bn: [?], København (Copenhagen), Denmark
3. Mette Kim (Bohnstedt Larsen) / F, bn: 1986 København (Copenhagen), Denmark *1 / (see 1-7-3050 ↓ )

*1. Mother was Anette Larsen

sr: A119, A179


See Also:
1-23 /
The Brodkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Bohnstedts in Norway


David Bohnstedt / (see 1-7-3001 ↑ )

M, bn: 1977 Dec 26, København (Copenhagen), Denmark / e: Copenhagen University, Panm Institute of Medicine, Medical degree, 2005 / p: Medical doctor, general practitioner. David has his own clinic just outside of København (Copenhagen) // m: Cathrine Müller (dv)

1. Wilma (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 2006, Denmark
2. Bertram (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 2009, Denmark
3. Viola (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 2010, Denmark

sr: A179, A229


See Also:
1-23 /
The Brodkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Bohnstedts in Norway


Mette Kim Bohnstedt Larsen / (see 1-7-3001 ↑ )

F, bn: 1986 Nov 16, København (Copenhagen), Denmark/ e: Graduated 2005, International Baccalaureate, from Red Cross Nordic United World College in Norway. Masters degree in Technology Innovation and Education, Harvard, 2013.  Masters degree in Human Factors in Information Design, Bentley University, Waltham Massachusetts, 2016 / p: YMCA volunteer in Montevideo and Uruguay. Educator and social entrepreneur.

1. Barbara Bohnstedt (Krolykke) *1 / F, bn: 2020 Mar 10, København (Copenhagen), Denmark

*1. Father is Michael Krolykke

sr: A179


See Also:
1-23 /
The Brodkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Bohnstedts in Norway


Elisabeth Bohnstedt / (see 1-7-3000 ↑ )

F, bn: 1956, Oslo, Norway / p: Flight attendant for SAS (Scandinavian Airlines System) // m1: 1986 København, Denmark to Chris Ledergerber // m2: 1995, Gentofte-København, Denmark to Knud Colov / bn: 1955, København, Denmark / p: Marketing manager

1. Sophia Alexandra (Colov) / F, bn: 1995, Gentofte, Denmark

sr: A119


See Also:
1-23 /
The Brodkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Bohnstedts in Norway
