
The Bohnstedt Noble Estates



by Thomas Allen Bohnstedt, California USA
     (the text of this page is my intellectual property. Please do not copy and repost without my written permission)


In the genealogical data and research that Wolfgang Bohnstedt shared with me, one of the things that appeared over and over again were references, in German, to estates and "noble estates".  Throughout Europe, including Germany, there are numerous examples of these "noble estates".  Centuries ago villages and towns in Europe were formed around castles, where the local lord ruled the nearby lands, and provided military protection for the commoners and workers against neighboring feudal states.  As time wore on, the castles (in German: "Schloss") evolved from hilltop fortresses to large manor houses where the landlord lived and managed the work force tending his farmlands, similar to the plantations found in American southern states prior to the abolition of slavery.  In Germany these estates included "outbuildings", which were the service buildings needed to maintain a large farming enterprise; barns and stables, blacksmith shop, carpentry shop, perhaps a mill, and other buildings.  The manor house and the outbuildings often formed the core of a small town which grew up around them, providing more specialized occupations.  German nobility still had control of many of these estates up to the second world war, although some had begun to pass into the hands of German families who did not have inherited aristocratic titles, but were financially well off.  At the end of the second world war much of German infrastructure was demolished along with the cities, and large masses of the population were moving about, especially those in the eastern territories which had passed into Russian control, as ethnic Germans tried to escape the retribution that was sure to come from Russian forces.  Germany was forced to cede huge portions of it's eastern territories back to Poland, from which the lands had been taken by force in the first place.  In some of the small towns and villages in Germany and Poland the manor houses remained (assuming they were not demolished because of damage) and repurposed as schools, government offices or small hospitals.

As the power of the German aristocracy began to fade many of these German estates passed out of the hands of the German aristocracy and into the hands of the burghers (the business-merchant class German families), including Johann Dietrich "Theodor" Bohnstedt (1677-1747) and his son August Wilhelm Bohnstedt (1738-1815).  In researching the "Three Tree" coat-of-arms associated with this family Martin Bohnstedt (one of the descendants of this family) stated that Edgar Bohnstedt had found ten leasehold property contracts in the archives of Brandenburg-Prussia, written between 1749 and 1801 concerning the district of Machnow, the lessees being Johann Theodorus Bohnstedt (Johann Dietrich Theodor Bohnstedt) and August Wilhelm Bohnstedt, his son. On these contracts was seen a coat-of-arms bearing two trees on the shield, and one on the crest. Edgar wrote that he discovered the "Kaltenhausen type" coat-of-arms in contracts dated May 25, 1766, March 20, 1789, April 4, 1795, and June 23, 1801.

We believe that this was the first known use of the "Three Tree" coat-of-Arms, and furthermore it appears that this could have been a reference to the beginning of a family real estate enterprise involving some of these "noble estates".  Martin Bohnstedt believes that as each family member acquired one of these estates, it was borrowed against, and the funds used by his sons to purchase or lease more of these "noble estates".  And it stands to reason that the wealth accumulated from this enterprise is what enabled this branch of Bohnstedts to move upward in German society, marrying into influential families, paying for advanced education, and making the right connections for civilian and military careers.

It was the reign of the burghers.

As previously stated the beginning of this real estate empire may have begun with Johann Dietrich "Theodor" Bohnstedt, whom records say was a "Landlord in the Groß-Machnow province".  But with his son, August Wilhelm Bohnstedt, It seems more clear.  Records indicate he was a "Estate owner in Rangsdorf, and a landowner".  From there the author of the "1923 Stammbaum" moves downward, identifying a family group, beginning with August Wilhelm's son, Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt, as "Hirschfelde".  This is because he had managed to acquire the "Hirschfelde Estate".  The second main family group from August Wilhelm the "1923 Stammbaum" author identifies as "Kaltenhausen" because August Wilhelm's son became the owner or manager of the "Kaltenhausen Estate".  From there the author identifies six main "houses" descending from these two main groups:

- Brodkowitz (or Brodtkowitz)
- Lichtenrade
- Buchwäldchen
- Bärenklau
- Kaltenhausen
- Krämersdorf (Crämersdorf)

The author also identifies several sub-houses descending from these six main houses, again, identified by the management or ownership of one of these "noble estates":

- Georgewitz (from Brodkowitz)
- Luckau (from Buchwäldchen)
- Kaltenhausen (from Kaltenhausen)
- Benau (from Kaltenhausen)
- Friedrichswalde (from Kaltenhausen)
- Karibib (from Kaltenhausen) (This was probably a reference to Otto Bohnstedt's African venture)

In reviewing Wolfgang Bohnstedt's research I noticed several other references to estates that the "1923 Stammbaum" author either overlooked, or did not deem suitable for inclusion as a "Bohnstedt House" or sub-branch:

- Striesa
- Zossen
- Bruchmühl
- Geglenfelde

In this section I describe the results of my efforts into locating the manor houses or other evidences of these "noble estates" once owned or managed by the Bohnstedt family in Germany and Eastern Germany-Prussia.




2.  SOURCE.   If internet, provide URL
3.  QUOTE (if internet source or book)
4.  PHOTO.   If no photo available or manor house or estate buildings, provide photo of town or area
5.  MAP.   Show location on an a map, or satellite view or both


The Estates

In some cases Dr. Bohnstedt identifies each man with an estate that he owned, or in other cases the place that he lived or did business. Karl August Heinrich was the owner of the Hirschfelde Estate in Groß-Machnow, so Dr. Bohnstedt identified his descendants as "Stammhaus Großmachnow - Hirschfelde". Ludwig Ferdinand Wilhelm Bohnstedt was the owner or manager of the Kaltenhausen Estate, so his descendants were referred to as "Stammhaus Kaltenhausen".  Much of the information we have on these Bohnstedts who owned or managed these estates originally came from research done by Wolfgang Bohnstedt. *1  Some of the information comes from the 1939 Stammbaum. *2  In each case I have included the reference to the individual's occupation, in German, as it was given to me by Wolfgang, or as it appeared on the stammbaum.

Click To Enlarge
1. Click here for a family chart of Bohnstedt farming estate owners in Germany and Prussia.



- Groß Machnow Estate



Johann Dietrich "Theodor" Bohnstedt

M, ch
: 1677, Aug 19, Egeln, St. Christophorus church / moved with family to Groß-Machnow after 1722 / p: Landlord, Groß-Machnow province, Senior district magistrate [1725; Domänenpächter in Groß-Machnow; 1733; Konigl Preuss Orinzlicher Oberamtmann von Groß-Machnow] / d: 1747, Aug 22, Groß-Machnow // m: 1721 to Dorothea Elisabeth Mühlmann / bn: 1702, Egeln / d: 1782, Nov 22, Groß-Machnow


The "1923 Stammbaum" places Johann Dietrich "Theodor" Bohnstedt within the "Bohnstedt Houses" framework as the progenitor of the "Gr. Machnow [Gross Machnow]" Line.  Based on the authors use of proprietor-ship of noble estates for other memnbers of this family to identify the founder of various family lines, we are tempted to assume that there was a Gross-Machnow Noble Estate.  However, the information provided in the "1923 Stammbaum" specifically mentions a brewery, not a noble-estate:

Am 7. Maerz 1722 erlangte Johann Dietrich das Bürgerrecht in Egeln. In der Urkunde der Bürgerrolle wird er als "in Königlichen Diensten stehend" bezeichnet. Offeriert am 14 Maerz 1725 als Kaution fuer Pacht der Königlichen Domäne Gross-Machnow sein "zu Egeln gelegenes Brauhaus samt einer Hufe Acker daselbst, so wentgstens 1600 Taler zusammen wehrt." Durch Kabinettsorde vom 23. Mai 1725 wird die Domäne auf 6 Jahre fuer 2327 Taler järhlich an Bohnstedt verpachtet.

[On March 7, 1722, Johann Dietrich obtained citizenship in Egeln.  In the certificate of citizenship he is referred to as "in royal service".  Offered on March 14, 1725, as a deposit for the lease of the Royal Domain Gross-Machnow, his "brewery located at leeches including a hoof field there, so we could at most defend 1600 thalers together."  By cabinet orders of May 23, 1725, the domain is leased annually to Bohnstedt for 6 years for 2327 thalers.]

If you do a Google search for "Groß Machnow Rittergut" ("Groß Machnow Noble-Estate") you will find numerous references to a property at the address:  Dorfstraße 12, 15834 Rangsdorf, Germany.  The property at that location bears the name "Salve", or in English; "Salvo", or "Volley".  I don't know enough German to understand why that name is being used, but I think I can comment on the Rangsdorf address.  This location is actually in a town which was called "Groß Machnow" until 2003, at which time it appears that it was incorporated into the nearby town of Rangsdorf, perhaps as a kind of suburb (?).  Therefore this property which was a noble-estate in past centuries was actually in Groß Machnow, and is therefore a good candidate for the Bohnstedt estate in Groß Machnow.


The property at that location bears the name "Salve", or in English; "Salvo", or "Volley".  I don't know enough German to understand why that name is being used, but I think I can comment on the Rangsdorf address.  This location is actually in a town which was called "Groß Machnow" until 2003, at which time it appears that it was incorporated into the nearby town of Rangsdorf, perhaps as a kind of suburb (?).  Therefore this property which was a noble-estate in past centuries was actually in Groß Machnow.  This might have been a good candidate for the Bohnstedt estate in Groß Machnow.  The problem however is that I have yet to find any evidence that this property ever included a brewery or brewhouse.  Therefore it is entirely possible that this particular property was not owned or managed by the Bohnstedts.  Even so, the acquisition of a brewery may have provided the capital income needed to invest in other properties.



8-9. Ixxxxxx

Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt (bn: 1772) : Gutspächter und Oberamtmann von Nächst-Neuendorf, Domänenpächter von Groß-Machnow, Rittergutsbesitzer von Rangsdorf, Gutsherr von Kreblitz und Grebersdorf, Erb-und Gerichtsherr von Eichstädt. *1

Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt (bn: 1772) : "Besitzer Des Gutes Hirschfelde von 1802..." *2


On the website for the "Salve" facility, there is a description that says: "Gross Machnow Herrenhaus des Ehemaligen Guts" ("Gross-Machnow mansion of the former estate"), indicating that at one time, this property was most definitely a Noble-Estate. In fact, the locations of the buildings on the property give evidence to that as well; a "herrenhaus", or " master house" (Manor) overlooking various other service buildings.  The problem with the website is that the history it gives for this location begins in 1838, and no mention is made of the Bohnstedt family.  If the "Salve" property was the "Rittergut" owned or managed by the Bohnstedt family, it would most likely have been before 1838.

We havent yet found any documentation showing that the "Salve" property at Dorfstraße 12 was ever owned or managed by a Bohnstedt. In time such documentation may be uncovered.  But I believe it is highly possible, perhaps even probable, that this property was most likely the estate that was, at one time, acquired and owned by August Wilhelm Bohnstedt.



- Rangsdorf Estate


The first reference to   The famiy table Enty for       a "Noble-Estate" in the German Bohnstedt family is within the records for August Wilhelm Bohnstedt himself, the patriarch of this entire Bohnstedt family group in Germany.  The records found by Wolfgang Bohnstedt say



August Wilhelm Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1000 ↑ )

M, bn: 1738, Sep 28, Groß-Machnow / p: Leaseholder and Senior District Magistrate in Groß-Machnow. Estate owner in Rangsdorf, landowner (?) in Nächst-Neuendorf. [Domänenpächter und konigl preuß. Oberamtmann in Groß-Machnow. Gutsbesitzer von Rangsdorf und des Allodialgutes Nächst-Neuendorf] *1 / d: 1815, Jul 16, Nächst-Neuendorf // m1: 1761, Jun 11, to Anna Dorothea Elisabeth Bergmann (or Bärchmann) / d: 1766, Dec 4 *2 // m2: 1767, Jul 7, Groß-Machnow, to Henrica Tugendreich Metz(en) / bn: 1743 or 1738, Brandenburg / d: 1828, May 20, Kaltenhausen Noble-Estate near Kloster-Zinna










August Wilhelm Bohnstedt :  "Domänenpächter und konigl preuß. Oberamtmann in Groß-Machnow. Gutsbesitzer von Rangsdorf und des Allodialgutes Nächst-Neuendorf" *1

Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt (bn: 1772) : Gutspächter und Oberamtmann von Nächst-Neuendorf, Domänenpächter von Groß-Machnow, Rittergutsbesitzer von Rangsdorf, Gutsherr von Kreblitz und Grebersdorf, Erb-und Gerichtsherr von Eichstädt. *1


The first reference to a "Noble-Estate" in the German Bohnstedt family is within the records for August Wilhelm Bohnstedt himself, the patriarch of this entire Bohnstedt family group in Germany.  The records found by Wolfgang Bohnstedt say

Domänenpächter und konigl preuß. Oberamtmann in Groß-Machnow. Gutsbesitzer von Rangsdorf und des Allodialgutes Nächst-Neuendorf.

Translated, this says

Leaseholder and Royal Prussian chief official in Gross-Machnow.  Estate owner in Rangsdorf and "Allodialgutes" in Nächst-Neuendorf.

I had to do some research on the word "Allodial".  It appears that it's origin is medieval Latin, and, according to Dictionary.com, refers to the "tenurial rights of a feudal overlord".  In other words, this was another reference to the business of land ownership, leaseholders, and landlords.

A web page at https://wikivisually.com/lang-de/wiki/Rangsdorf which discusses the history of the town of Rangsdorf lists the owners of the Rangsdorf estate and the masters of the town of Rangsdorf.  One of these was Amtmann [an "official"] Bohnstedt.  This matches the description for August Wilhelm Bohnstedt, who was an Oberamtmann [Chief Official].

Moderne Preussische Geschichte 1648 - 1947: Eine Anthologie (Modern Prussian History 1648-1948: An Anthology), edited by Otto Büsch, Wolfgang Neugebauer, provides a table on page 357 which lists some of the "ritterguts" [noble estates], the county or district where the estate was, the year of sale, and the name of the buyer;

Rittergut [Noble Estate] = Rangsdorf
Kreis [County or District] =  Teltow
Verkaufsjahr [Year of Sale] =  1800
Name des Kauefers [Name of the Buyer] =  Amtmann Bohnstedt


As for the fate of the Rangsdorf Estate, https://wikivisually.com/lang-de/wiki/Rangsdorf says that

1928 wurden Teile des Rittergutes parzelliert und verkauft. [In 1928 parts of the estate were parceled out and sold]

...indicating that the estate was sold off, piece by piece.  Whether anything remains of the original manor house is unknown.





- Brodkowitz Estate

Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II (bn: 1797) : "Besitzer Des Gutes Brodkwitz" *2


The location of Brodtkowitz being in proximity to Wüstenhain to the northwest is made clear by the Wikipedia entry for Brodtkowitz.  The article, translated from German, includes an old map showing this town of Brodkowitz just southeast of "Wüstenhayn" (spelled on the map with a "Y").  Although Wikipedia is frequently criticized for its accuracy, I was unable to find any other town in Germany with the same name.

10. Old map of Germany; segment showing the location of Wüstenhayn (Wüstenhain) and Brottkowitz (Brodtkowitz)
11. Google Earth map showing the current location of Wüstenhain and Brodtkowitz.  The Teich (pond) feature to the lower right appears to have been reclaimed as farmland.

The article also states that this town of Brodtkowitz was/is in the Calau district.  The actual town of Calau is near to Brodtkowitz.  In this same article it lists as owners the Von Loebens, including Mathilde von Loeben, wife of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II.

In 1826 the town of Brodtkowitz acquired the manor for 12,500 thalers. By adjudication it was handed over in 1828 for 14,160 Taler to the bailiff Martin Selling. He then sold Brodtkowitz on April 9, 1839 to Mrs. Mathilde Bohnstedt, from the von Loeben family.  She was married to Karl August Bohnstedt and came from the House of Limberg (daughter of Friedrich Heinrich von Loeben and the Magdalena Dorothea of Wiedebach).   In 1841 the fields were separated from the community and the manor house. After Berghaus the estate had a size of 1124 acres. Of these, 256 acres accounted for arable land, 55 acres of pastures, and 512 acres of forest. From 1858 to 1863 the manor belonged to a G. Nesemann. The Topographical-Statistical Manual of the Government-District Frankfurt a. O. calls for 1864 a JS Löbell. Until 1878 there was an Alfred Oskar Fähndrich, who sold it this year to the monastery of Neuzelle. The Handbook of Land Ownership in the First German Reich, The Kingdom of Prussia from 1885, names the brothers Ernst Floegel and Dr. Brodtkowitz as the owner of the manor Brodtkowitz. Jurist Paul Floegel in 1910 and Paul Floegel in 1914 is named as the sole owner. The estate in 1914 had a size of 221 hectares, of which 154 hectares of arable land, 20 hectares of meadows, 42 hectares of woodland was one hectare of uncultivated land and four hectares of water. In 1921, Dr. Ing. Called Floegel, apparently sold it to Otto Sauer before 1923. Otto Sauer was also in 1929 the owner of the Brodtkowitz estate. (Translated from German).

The above excerpt refers to "Mrs. Mathilde Bohnstedt, from the von Loeben family" who acquired the estate in 1839.  This matches perfectly with what we already knew about this part of the family from other records; that Mathilde von Loeben married a Bohnstedt (in this case, Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II ), and that they owned the Brodtkowitz Noble Estate.

Click to Enlarge
12.  B/W photo of the portrait of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II.

Unfortunately the Wikipedia article does not say what became of the manor house on the original estate after Otto Sauer became owner of the estate in 1929.









- Georgewitz Estate

Karl Heinrich August Bohnstedt (bn: 1832) : "Besitzer von Georgewitz" *2


The article also states that this town of Brodtkowitz was/is in the Calau district.  The actual town of Calau is near to Brodtkowitz.  In this same article it lists as owners the Von Loebens, including Mathilde von Loeben, wife of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II.

Click To EnlargeClick to Enlarge
13.  The Georgewitz Estate manor house. The handwriting at the bottom appears to have a date of 1863, or possibly 1865.
14.  Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II's son, Karl Heinrich August Bohnstedt

Karl Heinrich August Bohnstedt *1 / (see 1-6-1104 ↑ ) M, bn: 1832, Mar 23, Brodtkowitz Estate / p: Owner of the Georgewitz Estate near Löbau / d: 1912, Groß-Lichterfelde // m: Constanza Gottliebe Anders / bn: 1838 / d: 1882, Löbau







Löbau: Knight's seat Georgewitz
seat Georgewitz 02708 Löbau

Georgewitz was described in 1305 as the manor of the Apeze von Gorguwitz and in 1502 as a knight's seat. In 1397 the lords of Nostitz exercised the manorial rule over Georgewitz, in 1433 Ulrich von Nostitz was named as the landlord. Since 1549, Georgewitze belonged to the knighthood of Unworthiness. Georgewitz remained in the possession of the Nostitz family until 1605 and then changed to the Hundt family. In 1769 Carl Gotthelf von Hundt sold the two estates Georgewitz and Unwürde to the Salmour family. The last Herr von Georgewitz was Heinrich Adolph von Gablenz, who bought the estate in 1819.

Current use
Based on the available information, it is not possible to tell whether a manor house or something similar existed as the residence or administrative seat of the landlords in Georgewitz. A further upgrading of the knight seat Georgewitz does not seem to have taken place either.



- Lichtenrade Estate

15-16. Recent photos of Bohnstedtstrasze in Lichtenrade, by Bengt Bohnstedt (standing under the street sign in image #4)

 Splendid house with an eventful history: the "castle"

In 1797, a modern-style house was built on today's street Alt-Lichtenrade 100, exactly opposite the old fire station, which the villagers soon called "castle" because of the magnificently designed facade. There was also a small park with a pond behind the house.

But before the "castle" was built, there was another building that was important for our location. The Sieke family lived in the Lehnschulzenhof at Dorfstraße 6 (today Alt-Lichtenrade 100). Johann Christian Sieke was the last feudal bailiff (village authority) until 1766 before he had to sell the farm due to indebtedness. In the following years the owners changed until the merchant Borsche acquired the farm in 1794 and three years later had a new, splendid, classic-style house with a small park built on it.

The property was so pompous and extraordinary for the Lichtenrad living conditions at that time that the citizens of the place soon called it the "Castle of Lichtenrade". But as early as 1804 he sold it to the royal court and body tailor Daniel Kielpflug, who lived there until his death. His wife lived in the house for another 10 years before it was brought into the hands of Landwehr Lieutenant Wilhelm Bohnstedt in 1828 by foreclosure. The latter wanted to go high and build a manor on the property.

Since the number of acres of the property was not sufficient for such a project and he was therefore not given permission to build it, he sold it to Wilhelm-Albert Bornhagen in 1856, who was the proud owner of this facility for 30 years, but then sold it for reasons of age. The owners Gumpert, Cronheim followed and in 1888 the innkeeper Julius Stueck was able to call the house his own.

In 1890, the estate was acquired by the magistrate, Carl Glogauer, who had the attic expanded and set up a mental asylum in the house. In 1904 the name of the house was "Irrenanstalt - Schloss Lichtenrade". In 1905, Mr. Glogauer leased part of the building to a Martha Collin, who appeared as the director of an institution for terminally insane women. At that time there were two medical institutions in the building. Carl Glogauer and Martha Collin married before Carl Glogauer died in 1906. 16 years later, his widow sold the property to a merchant from Manchester for 800,000 marks during inflation. At the end of 1943, the farm building and the stables were destroyed by bombs. The house remained virtually intact. After the end of the war, the house was so badly affected by looting and weather-related circumstances that it was soon only a ruin. In 1950 the last remaining walls collapsed. The property was cleared out in 1958 and the last remains of the “castle” were removed.

Today there is a residential building in the same place, in the lower part of which there are rooms for the daycare center of the old fire station.

Marina Heimann













- Striesa Estate




- Bruchmühl Estate




- Zossen Estate


The one interesting comment I can make at this time regarding the Zossen Estate is that there is a street in Zossen named "Hermann-Bohnstedt-Strasse".  Martin Bohnstedt tried to research the origins of this street's Bohnstedt name but was unsuccesful.  He went to the local town council of Zossen and requested infornation, but they had nothing of substance.

PLEASE NOTE: Although it is tempting to make a connection between the Bohnstedt owners of the estate in Zossen and this street, there are problems with it.  Of the Bohnstedt estate owners we known of the only one that was ever listed as a "estate owner" in or near Zossen (at least in the information we have available to us) was Friedrich Wilhelm Ottokar Bohnstedt (1831 - 1890).  The problem with this is obvious: His name wasnt Hermann, and as far as we know Hermann was not one of his middle names either.

Friedrich Wilhelm Ottokar Bohnstedt had several children, and at least two of them had Hermann as a middle name; Paul Hermann Ottokar Bohnstedt (1863 - 1912), and Fritz Alexander Robert Hermann Karl Ottokar Bohnstedt (1873 - 1939).   But that doesnt mean anything conclusive either, for at least two reasons.

(1) Why would that authorities name a street after a man's middle name instead of his first name?
(2) Both of these men were merchants in Berlin.  If either one of them had the money to own or manage one of these Noble-Estates Edgar Bohnstedt, who was undoubdtedly interested in promoting the prestige of the Bohnstedt family, would have surely listed that on his 1939 Stammbaum as their occupation.

The mystery of who "Hermann-Bohnstedt-Strasse" was named for remains a mystery.

Click to EnlargeClick to Enlarge
1-2. Hermann-Bohnstedt-Straße in Zossen. Photos by Martin Bohnstedt

Click to EnlargeClick to EnlargeClick to Enlarge
3. Map of Berlin area, with in the lower half
4. Close-up of Zossen area. Sector with Hermann-Bohnstedt-Straße circled in red
5. Street map of Zossen showing Hermann-Bohnstedt-Straße



- Buchwäldchen Estate



17. The Buchwäldchen Estate, once owned or managed by one of the Bohnstedt family, most likely Albert Bohnstedt.

1-6-3000 *1 Albert Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1103 ↑ ) M, bn: 1804, Jul 5, Nächst-Neuendorf near Zossen / p: Royal Economic Commissioner in Bitterfeld after 1846. Owner of the Buchwäldchen Noble-Estate in the Calau district, Prussia (now the Oberspreewald-Lausitz district), near Calau / d: 1878, Feb 22, Eberswalde // m: 1832, Jul 20, Berlin, Germany to Maria Schmidt / bn: 1810, Jul 20, Berlin, Germany / d: 1900, Nov 18, Eberswalde
















- Bärenklau Estate


1-6-6000 Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1103 ↑ ) M, bn: 1806, Sep 4, Groß-Machnow / p: [Besitzer] and [Remonteinspektor] in Barenklau, East Prussia [besitzer und remontedepot-inspektor von Bärenklau] / d: 1874, Dec 4, Pilkallen // m: 1856, Nov 17, Treptow/Riga to Gustava Luitgarda Thusnelda Bütow *1 / bn: 1826, Neuhof/Treptow / d: 1885, Gumbinnen



- Heinrichswalde Estate


Siegfried Bernhard (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1878, Nov 26, Friesack, Germany / s: Army, Major, Osterode, East Prussia / p: Estate owner in Heinrichswalde near Topprienen, Prussian Eylau / d: 1970, Hamburg // m: 1911, Jun 14, Königsberg, East Prussia (Kaliningrad, Russia), to Luise Heinriette Klara Charlotte "Lotte" Bartels / bn: 1890, Nov 28, Taulensee, East Prussia


Hallo Alfred -

ja das ist der selbe Bruno - er ist der Sohn von GUSTAV Heinrich
Ankermann, Mühlenbesitzer in Konnegen. GUSTAV Ankermann ist ein Sohn von
CARL Sigismund Ankermann, dem die Mühle Konnegen vorher gehörte.

Ich meine, ich hätte dir meine Ankermann-Daten geschickt. Sonst kann ich
das gern noch tun.

Bruno Ankermann war Gutsbesitzer in Heinrichswalde, Pr. Eylau - später
Dr. phil.Landwirtschaftslehrer in Königsberg.

Bei Horst Schulz habe ich gefunden:

"Um das Jahr 1900 kaufte der Güteragent Mulack aus Landsberg das Gut
Heinrichswalde mit Grünhöfchen. Er trennte das Vorwerk vom bisherigen
Hauptgut und verkaufte es als kleines Gut. Für Heinrichswalde fand er in
BRUNO ANKERMANN einen Käufer. Dieses Gut war 1907 noch 176 ha groß,
davon 1 17 ha Acker, 13 ha Wiesen, 40 ha Weiden, 3 ha Wald, 3 ha
Hof/Wege. ANKERMANN betrieb Holländer Viehzucht sowie Schweinezucht und
-mast. Der jährlic he Grundsteuer-Reinertrag betrug 965 Mark. - Im Jahre
1913 hatte sich in Heinrichswalde nicht viel geändert. ANKERMANN war
Besitzer, der jetzt eine Obstplatage unterhielt. Es waren 20 Pferde, 88
Rinder - davon 40 Kühe -, 10 Schafe und 80 Schweine vorhanden. ANKERMANN
hat kurz nach Kriegse nde 1918 das Gut an Siegfried Bohnstedt verkauft,
der 1920 Besitzer war ." (Horst Schulz, Die Städte und Gemeinden des
Kreises Pr. Eylau, S. 320)

Gruß von Irmi



Hello Alfred -

yes that is the same Bruno - he is the son of GUSTAV Heinrich
Ankermann, mill owner in Konnegen. GUSTAV Ankermann is a son of
CARL Sigismund Ankermann, who previously owned the Konnegen mill.

I mean, I would have sent you my anchor man details. Otherwise I can
still like to do that.

Bruno Ankermann was a landowner in Heinrichswalde, Pr. Eylau - later
Dr. Phil. agriculture teacher in Königsberg.

At Horst Schulz I found:

"Around 1900 the freight agent Mulack from Landsberg bought the estate
Heinrichswalde with green courtyards. He separated the Vorwerk from the previous one
Main good and sold it as a small good. For Heinrichswalde he found in
BRUNO ANKERMANN a buyer. In 1907 this estate was still 176 hectares in size,
of which 1,17 ha arable, 13 ha meadows, 40 ha pastures, 3 ha forest, 3 ha
Courtyard / paths. ANKERMANN ran Dutch cattle breeding as well as pig breeding and
-mast. The annual net income from property tax was 965 marks. - In year
Not much had changed in Heinrichswalde in 1913. ANKERMANN was
Owner who now ran an orchard. There were 20 horses, 88
Cattle - including 40 cows -, 10 sheep and 80 pigs are available. ANCHOR MAN
sold the estate to Siegfried Bohnstedt shortly after the end of the war in 1918,
who was the owner in 1920. "(Horst Schulz, The cities and municipalities of the
District of Pr. Eylau, p. 320)

Greetings from Irmi



- Wahlsdorf Estate



18. Wahlsdorf Estate manor house
19-20. Interior of the Wahlsdorf manor house




Wahlsdorf ist ein Ortsteil der amtsangehörigen Stadt Dahme/Mark im brandenburgischen Landkreis Teltow-Fläming. Er liegt etwa 80 Kilometer südlich von Berlin und hat zusammen mit dem bewohnten Gemeindeteil Liepe etwa 350 Einwohner.

Wahlsdorf wurde 1229 erstmals als Angerdorf Walistrop erwähnt und gehörte zu dieser Zeit dem Bistum Magdeburg. Im 13. Jahrhundert entstand eine Dorfkirche, zunächst bestehend nur aus einer Apsis und einem Kirchenschiff. Das Bistum belehnte die Familie von Schlieben im Jahr 1449 mit dem Ort, die es zusammen mit der Familie von Hake besaß. Von 1635 bis 1815 gehörte der Ort zum sächsischen Amt Dahme. Vom Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts bis zum Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts besaß die Familie Junack den Ort. Ab 1775 wurde Wahlsdorf zu einem eigenständigen Dorf mit adligem Gut, Schäferei und Windmühle, welche im 21. Jahrhundert noch erhalten ist. Die Besitzer wechselten in Folge recht häufig. Überliefert sind beispielsweise die Familie von Thümen, von Meden bzw. von Seydlitz, die es im Jahr 1812 für 27.750 Taler erwarb. Von dort ging der Ort 1815 an den Amtmann Ludwig Wilhelm Ferdinand Bohnstedt, der vermutlich seinen Wohnsitz in Wahlsdorf wählte. Zu dieser Zeit gab es in den 1830er Jahren bereits ein Gutshaus. 1827 kaufte Christian Schwietzke das Gut; er hatte zuvor im benachbarten Gebersdorf als Verwalter gearbeitet. Ab 1857 begann er mit dem Anbau von Serradella und Knäuelgras, um den vorhandenen Mangel an Heu zu mindern. Sein Sohn Gustav führte die Versuche ab 1868 weiter. 1860 wurde Wahlsdorf preußisch. Bis zum Ende des 18. Jahrhunderts hatte Wahlsdorf zwei Mühlen, eine Brauerei, eine Brennerei, eine Schmiede und eine Ziegelei. In den Jahren 1887/1888 wurde die Dorfkirche um einen Kirchturm erweitert. Von 1899 bis 1965 verkehrte durch Wahlsdorf eine Kleinbahn, die dort auch Halt machte.


Wahlsdorf is a district of the official city of Dahme / Mark in the Brandenburg district of Teltow-Fläming. It is located about 80 kilometers south of Berlin and, together with the inhabited district of Liepe, has about 350 inhabitants.

Wahlsdorf was first mentioned in 1229 as Angerdorf Walistrop and at that time belonged to the diocese of Magdeburg. In the 13th century a village church was built, initially consisting only of an apse and a nave. The diocese enfeoffed the von Schlieben family in 1449 with the place, which it owned together with the von Hake family. From 1635 to 1815 the place belonged to the Saxon office of Dahme. The Junack family owned the place from the end of the 17th century to the beginning of the 18th century. From 1775 Wahlsdorf became an independent village with a noble estate, a sheep farm and a windmill, which is still preserved in the 21st century. The owners changed quite frequently as a result. For example, the von Thümen, von Meden and von Seydlitz families, who acquired it in 1812 for 27,750 thalers, have come down to us. From there the place went to the bailiff Ludwig Wilhelm Ferdinand Bohnstedt in 1815, who presumably chose his place of residence in Wahlsdorf. At that time there was already a manor house in the 1830s. In 1827 Christian Schwietzke bought the estate; he had previously worked as an administrator in the neighboring Gebersdorf. From 1857 he began growing serradella and ball of grass to reduce the existing shortage of hay. His son Gustav continued the experiments from 1868. Wahlsdorf became Prussian in 1860. By the end of the 18th century, Wahlsdorf had two mills, a brewery, a distillery, a forge and a brickworks. In the years 1887/1888 the village church was extended by a steeple. From 1899 to 1965 a small train ran through Wahlsdorf, which also stopped there.




- Kaltenhausen Estate

21-24. Kaltenhausen Estate manor. Pictures provided by Tania Bohnstedt in Australia. Tania is a descendant of Ludwig Ferdinand Wilhelm Bohnstedt, the manager of the Kaltenhausen Estate and owner of the Wahlsdorf Estate.



- Geglenfelde Estate



26-27. The Geglenfelde Estate manor house, prior to WW II.  The Geglenfelde Estate was managed for the Mackensen family by Elisabeth Bohnstedt who married Gottfried Richard Sigesmund Mackensen, a nephew of Field Marshal August von Mackensen. 
28. An internet source says this is the Geglenfelde manor house after being gutted by fire. This is puzzling because the roof on this fire-damaged building does not look like the roof on the manor house in the older pictures.  This could be inaccurate information, or it's also possible that this is a secondary structure on the estate.


1-6-7009 Elisabeth Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-7008 ↑ ) F, bn: 1893, Jun 18, Kaltenhausen Noble-Estate near Kloster-Zinna / p: Director of Kaltenhausen and Geglenfelde Estates [Besitzerin der Rittergüter Kaltenhausen und Geglenfelde]. Elisabeth managed the Kaltenhausen Estate for the Bohnstedt family, and also managed the Geglenfelde Estate for the Mackensen family, who owned it. // m: 1913 to Gottfried Richard Sigesmund Mackensen *1 / bn: 1884 / s: Army, Major / d: 1945, Brandenburg



- Benau Estate



4. Max (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1857, Oct 3, Kaltenhausen Noble-Estate / p: Noble-Estate owner in Benau, Sorau/Niederlausitz area / d: 1937, Oct 6 // m: 1898 to Johanna Schweitzke / bn: 1872, Wahlsdorf



- Kaltenhausen Farm, Deutsch-Südwestafrika




- Erora West Farm, Deutsch-Südwestafrika




- Erora East Farm, Deutsch-Südwestafrika



In the chapters that follow we discuss each of these Bohnstedt lines, their descendants, and biographical histories on some of the personalities from these lines. Each family group (Stammhaus) and family line (Linie) will be discussed in the following order: the Bärenklau Bohnstedt Line, the Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line, the Buchwäldchen Bohnstedt Line, the Lichtenrade Bohnstedt Line, the Kaltenhausen Bohnstedt Line, and the Krämersdorf Bohnstedt Line.



- Krämersdorf Estate


1-6-9000 Friedrich Wilhelm Eduard Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-7000 ↑ ) M, bn: 1827, Sep 19, Kaltenhausen Noble-Estate near Kloster-Zinna / p: Owner of the Krämersdorf Noble-Estate in Neidenburg District, East Prussia (Nidzica, Poland) / d: 1888, Oct 16, Krämersdorf Noble-Estate // m: 1854, Jun 30, Stargard, Mecklenburg, Germany, to Johanna Henriette Charlotte Emma Bergell / bn: 1832, Quastenburg / d: 1921, Neidenburg District, East Prussia (Nidzica, Poland)


Kramarzewo (Crämersdorf / Krämersdorf) as it looks today, looking east

Krämersdorf Crämersdorf Kramarzewo gutshaus


Kramarzewo (German: Krämersdorf), Działdowo County, Poland

Kramarzewo [kramaˈʐɛvɔ] (German: Krämersdorf)[1] is a village in the administrative district of Gmina Działdowo, within Działdowo County, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, in northern Poland.[2] It lies approximately 12 kilometres (7 mi) north of Działdowo and 56 km (35 mi) south-west of the regional capital Olsztyn.

The village has a population of 375.


PS, I did in fact find the proper place called Krämersdorf.  It’s current name is Kramarzewo, and it is a few miles west of Nidzica, and a bit east/southeast of Uzdowo (Usdau) Poland.  This was based on an excerpt I found on the internet regarding office holders in Tauersee (Poland):


The administrative district Tauersee comprises the communities Borchersdorf, Fylitz, Schönkau, Schönwiese, Skurpien, Tauersee, Usdau and Wilmsdorf (8 communities).
It is last administered by? in Fylitz.

Head of Office (Usdau District):





Landowner of? Raatz in Meischlitz for 6 years,





Post office owner Jäger in Fichtenwalde for 6 years,





Administrator Richard Müller in Meischlitz for 6 years,





Landowner Bohnstedt in Crämersdorf for 6 years,





Landowner Bohnstedt in Crämersdorf for 6 years,





Economist Bohnstedt in Crämersdorf for 6 years,





Economist Bohnstedt in Crämersdorf for 6 years,





Post agent Ludwig Döhring in Usdau for 6 years,





Post agent Döhring in Usdau for 6 years,

Based on dates of death and office, I believe this is (was) your g-grandfather’s brother,  Hans Walter Eduard Bohnstedt.















- Oldendorf Estate


Oldendorf manor house

Oldendorf was first mentioned in a document in 1314. The name probably goes back to the Oldendorf family, who lived here at least since the 15th century. In the 16th century, the place belonged to the Birkhahn and Husen families, both of whom were related to the Oldendorfs in a female line.

When this line died out in the 17th century, ownership passed to the Stralsund family Schlichtkrull, who was related to the Birkhahns, and from 1782 the property belonged to the Bohnstedt family.

In the middle of the 19th century, 75 people lived in six houses on the estate. At the time, the von Zansen were the owners. In 1874 the place is run as a Vorwerk, which the owners Birnbaum leased within the family. The population rose again to 85. Apparently, the Birnbaums did not manage the 294 hectare estate as successfully, because in 1888 there were 41 and in 1907 only 28 people lived there. The last owner of the manor from 1910 was Fritz Droysen, who was shot by Russian soldiers in April 1945 in the manor park.

In the following years the manor house was first inhabited by refugees and then by changing tenants. Due to the lack of renovation measures, the manor house built in the 18th century and structurally modified around 1900 fell into disrepair.

The manor house was acquired by the Braun family in 1998 and largely restored to its current state. An extension built right next to the gable of the manor house disappeared and until 1998 there were social housing in the manor house. The park was also cleared during this time and the ponds were dredged.

In 2010 the Ohle family acquired the main building, including the estate park and adjacent lands. Up until spring 2018, renovation and maintenance measures were carried out on the building and in the immediate vicinity.

From 2019, the creation of a therapeutic riding stable for children with physical disabilities and the restoration of the manor park are planned.

Some of the buildings of the former estate have been preserved and are mostly inhabited.





Book References:
- Büsch, Otto and Neugebauer, Wolfgang (Edited by). Moderne Preussische Geschichte 1648 - 1947: Eine Anthologie (Modern Prussian History 1648-1948: An Anthology). Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 1981 (ISBN 3110837315, 9783110837315)


See Also:
1-19 / Heraldry and the Bohnstedt Coats-of-Arms; Prussian Bohnstedt Arms
1-21 / The Bärenklau Bohnstedt Line: The Descendants of Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt
1-22 / The Brodtkowitz Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt II
1-25 / The Buchwäldchen Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Albert Bohnstedt
1-28 / The Lichtenrade Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Ferdinand Wilhelm Adolf Bohnstedt
1-33 / The Kaltenhausen Bohnstedt Line: The Descendants of Friedrich Wilhelm Bohnstedt
1-35 / The Krämersdorf Bohnstedt Line: The Descendants of Friedrich Wilhelm Eduard Bohnstedt

1-42 / Genealogy 1-6-1: Prussia and Eastern Germany: Brodtkowitz
1-43 / Genealogy 1-6-2: Prussia and Eastern Germany: Lichtenrade
1-44 / Genealogy 1-6-3: Prussia and Eastern Germany: Buchwäldchen
1-45 / Genealogy 1-6-4: Prussia and Eastern Germany: Bärenklau
1-46 / Genealogy 1-6-5: Prussia and Eastern Germany: Kaltenhausen
1-47 / Genealogy 1-6-6: Prussia and Eastern Germany: Krämersdorf

5-8 /
Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938
5-10 /
Appendix I: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1923)
5-11 /
Appendix J: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1939)


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