The Kaltenhausen Bohnstedt Line:
The Descendants of Friedrich Wilhelm Bohnstedt
by Thomas Allen Bohnstedt, California USA
(the text of this page is my intellectual property. Please do not copy and repost without my written permission)
Kaltenhausen Estate manorhouse
The Descendants of Ludwig Ferdinand Wilhelm Bohnstedt
Ludwig Ferdinand Wilhelm Bohnstedt was born in 1782 in Groß-Machnow. Records indicate that he was the Owner of the Wahlsdorf Estate near Dahme, and the manager of the Kaltenhausen Noble-Estate near Kloster-Zinna. In fact, it appears that the Wahlsdorf estate and manor house were actually in the place where the small town of Wahlsdorf is today, and the manor house is still standing. Records also indicate that his wife, Friedericke Wiedemann was an heiress, and owner of the Kaltenhausen Noble-Estate. She died in 1850, four years before her husband, so it seems logical that she had inherited the estate from her side of the family, and her husband managed the estate for her.
1. Wahlsdorf Estate manor house
2-3. Interior of the Wahlsdorf manor houseLudwig and Friedericke had six children, most of whom must have been named after Frederick William III, King of Prussia. The children were Friederike Wilhelmine "Minna", born 1818; Friederike Wilhelmine "Bertha", born 1819; Maria, born 1821; Friedrich Wilhelm, 1822; Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand Bohnstedt, born 1825; and Friedrich Wilhelm Eduard Bohnstedt, born 1827. According to records, all six children were born at the Kaltenhausen Estate.
Of the three sons, only two fathered any children. Records state that Friedrich Wilhelm Ferdinand was unmarried. From Friedrich Wilhelm Bohnstedt (1822) descended the "Kaltenhausen" Bohnstedt Line, so named by Dr. Georg Bohnstedt because he inherited the Kaltenhausen estate upon his father's death. From Friedrich Wilhelm Eduard Bohnstedt (1827) descended the Craemersdorf Bohnstedt Line. Like the Kaltenhausen Line, Dr. Georg Bohnstedt named this line thus because Eduard inherited the Craemersdorf Estate.
Friedrich Wilhelm Bohnstedt and the Kaltenhausen Line
Friedrich Wilhelm Bohnstedt inherited the Kaltenhausen estate, and with his wife Emilie, had seven children, all born at the Kaltenhausen Estate. Of these seven, four were boys; Paul, born in 1856; Max, born in 1857; Wilhelm, born in 1860; and Hermann Wilhelm Otto, born in 1872. The reason for the large gap between the birth of Wilhelm and Hermann, a gap of twelve years, is unknown.
1-2. Kaltenhausen Estate manor. Pictures provided by Tania Bohnstedt in Australia. Tania is a descendant of Ludwig Ferdinand Wilhelm Bohnstedt, the manager of the Kaltenhausen Estate and owner of the Wahlsdorf Estate.Paul had four daughters, but no sons to carry the family name. One daughter, Armgard, went to Deutsche Südwest Afrika (German Southwest Africa, now Namibia) with her uncle Hermann. Another daughter, Elisabeth, married Gottfried Richard Sigesmund Mackensen. Gottfried Mackensen was a nephew of the well-known General-Field Marshal Anton Ludwig August von Mackensen. It was through her marriage to Gottfried Mackensen that Elisabeth, who was already managing the Kaltenhausen Estate for the Bohnstedt family in Kloster-Zinna, was appointed to manage the Geglenfelde Estate, which was owned by the Mackensen family. The Geglenfelde estate was near Hammerstein, West Prussia (this is now Czarne, Poland), in a small town called, in German, Geglenfelde. This region was ceded to Poland after the Second World War, and the town was renamed in Polish; Wyczechy.
1-2. The Geglenfelde Estate manor house, prior to WW II. The Geglenfelde Estate was managed for the Mackensen family by Elisabeth Bohnstedt who married Gottfried Richard Sigesmund Mackensen, a nephew of Field Marshal August von Mackensen.
3. An internet source says this is the Geglenfelde manor house after being gutted by fire. This is puzzling because the roof on this fire-damaged building does not look like the roof on the manor house in the older pictures. This could be inaccurate information, or it's also possible that this is a secondary structure on the estate.Paul's brother, Wilhelm, a forester, had two daughters and one son, Wilhelm Paul Max Bohnstedt, born in 1905. Max died in 1935 at the age of thirty, and we have no record of marriage or children. It is unlikely that he had any children that we don't know about or else Edgar Bohnstedt would probably have listed them on his 1939 Stammbaum.
Hermann Wilhelm Otto Bohnstedt was married to Carolina Burger, but, as with his nephew, Wilhelm Paul Max Bohnstedt, there is no record of any children. Otto went to Deutsche Südwest Afrika and acquired or founded a farming estate there called "Farm Erora". He was also a member of parliament in that country. His story is told in The Kaltenhausen Bohnstedt Line; Hermann Wilhelm Otto Bohnstedt in Deutsche Südwest Afrika.
As far as we know, the Bohnstedt name did not continue in the Kaltenhausen Bohnstedt Line.
See Also:
1-18 / The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia
1-20 / The Bohnstedt Noble Estates
1-34 / The Kaltenhausen Bohnstedt Line: Hermann Wilhelm Otto Bohnstedt in Deutsche Südwestafrika
1-46 / Genealogy 1-6-5: Prussia and Eastern Germany: Kaltenhausen
5-8 / Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938
5-10 / Appendix I: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1923)
5-11 / Appendix J: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1939)
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