The Bärenklau Bohnstedt Line:
The Descendants of Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt
by Thomas Allen Bohnstedt, California USA
(the text of this page is my intellectual property. Please do not copy and repost without my written permission)
Jugendpflegearbeit, ihre praktischen Anfänge und geistigen Werte ("Youth care work, practical beginnings and spiritual values") written by Hanno Bohnstedt, and published in 1914
Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt
Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt was born in 1806 in Groß-Machnow, the sixth child of Karl August Heinrich Bohnstedt I and Karoline (Reigler) Bohnstedt. Records indicate that Ferdinand was a "besitzer" in East Prussia, indicating that he was the owner or proprietor of some kind business. He married Gustava Bütow in 1856 and they had two children that we know of; both sons. The older son, Ferdinand Gustav August Hermann Bohnstedt, was born in 1857 in Kalbassen, East Prussia, and the younger, Hanno Bohnstedt, was born in 1867, also in Kalbassen.
Hanno Bohnstedt and his wife, Elise, had two daughters, Gabriele (1897) and Dorothea (1899), and thus the Bohnstedt family name did not continue with his descendants. According to records, Hanno was a preacher, as well as a school official in Prussia.
There were several books on religious education authored by a Hanno Bohnstedt in the early 1920's in Germany. Given the professional functions of the Hanno described above, as well as the time period, I have no doubt that this is the very same Hanno Bohnstedt.
Another of Hanno Bohnstedt's published works; Bilder zum Weltkrieg für Schule und Haus (" Pictures of the World War for school and house"), Berlin, 1916Hanno's brother, Hermann, married Auguste Fandauer in 1886 at the age of 29 years. But he only lived another ten years, and died in 1896 from causes unknown. But he and Auguste had two children: a daughter named Thusnelda, born in 1887, and and a son, Helmuth, born in 1890. Hermann died when his son Helmuth was only six years old.
The line of descendancy from Hermann Bohnstedt continued to be a narrow one as Helmuth only had one child, Otto, with his wife Emma (Dilbat) Bohnstedt.
Otto Hermann Bohnstedt was born in 1911 in Gumbinnen. He was married twice, once in 1937 to Minna Griesche, and again in 1963 to Oerda Daske. With his first wife, Minna, Otto had one son, Hinrik Otto Helmuth Bohnstedt, born in 1938 in Berlin.
The Bohnstedt family name within the Bärenklau Line ended with Hinrik. After serving in the German Army in Post-War Germany, he married Ingeborg Kraft. Hinrik and Ingeborg had one daughter, Maren, born in 1964 in Koblenz. Maren was married to Jürgen Büchner, and they had one daughter, Nadine.
Hinrik contributed to this project by providing a copy of the 1939 Stammbaum to Hans-Joachim Bohnstedt, who in turn made a copy of it for me.
Book References:
- Bohnstedt, Hanno. Jugendpflegearbeit, ihre praktischen Anfänge und geistigen Werte (Youth care work, it's practical beginnings and spiritual values). von Teubner, Leipzig and Berlin. 1914
- Bohnstedt, Hanno. Bilder zum Weltkrieg für Schule und Haus (" Pictures of the World War for school and house"). Velhagen & Klasing, Berlin. 1916
See Also:
1-45 / Genealogy 1-6-6: Prussia and Eastern Germany: Bärenklau
5-6 / Appendix E: Bohnstedts in Published Works / Gesamtverzeichnis des deutschsprachigen Schrifttums, 1700-1910
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