
Genealogy 1-6-4:
Prussia and Eastern Germany: Bärenklau

The Bärenklau Line of Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt in Prussia and Eastern Germany

here, or on the image above for a detailed genealogical chart showing the various Bohnstedt Family Lines of this group

See Also:
1-18 /
The Bohnstedt Lines in Prussia
1-32 /
The Bärenklau Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt
5-8 /
Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938
5-10 /
Appendix I: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1923)
5-11 /
Appendix J: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1939)

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  Stammbaum (diese Website) / Family Tree Chart (this website)
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Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-1103 ↑ )

M, bn: 1806, Sep 4, Groß-Machnow / p: [Besitzer] and [Remonteinspektor] in Barenklau, East Prussia [besitzer und remontedepot-inspektor von Bärenklau] / d: 1874, Dec 4, Pilkallen // m: 1856, Nov 17, Treptow/Riga to Gustava Luitgarda Thusnelda Bütow *1 / bn: 1826, Neuhof/Treptow / d: 1885, Gumbinnen

1. Ferdinand Gustav August Hermann (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1857, Kalbassen, East Prussia / (see
1-6-4001 ↓ )
2. Ulrich Wilhelm Gustav Heinrich Hanno (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1867, Kalbassen, Pilkallen District, East Prussia / (see
1-6-4500 ↓ )

*1. Gustava was the daughter of Gustav Friedrich Wilhelm Bütow, Royal Prussian [Amtrates] of "Vorwerk Neuhof".

sr: B, H1, J8, K

See Also:
1-32 /
The Bärenklau Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt


Ferdinand Gustav August Hermann Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-4000 ↑ )

M, bn: 1857, Sep 23, Prussia / p: [Oekonom, Geschäftsagent] in Gumbinnen / d: 1896, Nov 8, Gumbinnen *1 // m: 1886, Sadweitschen to Auguste Fandauer / bn: 1850, Prußischken

1. Auguste Hermine Thusnelde (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1887, Blumenau, East Prussia / (see 1-6-4002 ↓ )
2. Ferdinand August Hermann Helmuth (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1890, Sadweitschen, East Prussia / (see
1-6-4003 ↓ )

*1. Source B states 1896, source H1 states 1890.

sr: B, H1, J8, Z32


See Also:
1-32 /
The Bärenklau Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt


Auguste Hermine Thusnelde Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-4001 ↑ )

F, bn: 1887, Apr 25, Blumenau, East Prussia // m: 1911, Mar 29, Cammin, Mecklenburg, Germany, to Robert Richard Hugo Rüdiger / bn: 1863, Jul 26 / p: Sheep master or Master shepherd in Mecklenburg

1. Richard Hugo Robert (Rüdiger) / M, bn: 1912 / ch: 1912, Vietlübbe und Gadebusch, Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), Germany
2. Frida Liesbeth Hertha (Rüdiger) / F, bn: 1915 / ch: 1915, Bützow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), Germany
3. Fritz Adolph Helmuth (Rüdiger) / M, bn: 1916 / ch: 1917, Gaarz, Mecklenburg-Schwerin (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern), Germany

sr: B, H1, K, R15, Z32


See Also:
1-32 /
The Bärenklau Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt


Ferdinand August Hermann Helmuth Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-4001 ↑ )

M, bn: 1890, Nov 14, Sadweitschen, East Prussia / p: Carpenter in Gumbinnen // m: Emma Dilbat

1. Otto Hermann (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1911, Gumbinnen / (see
1-6-4004 ↓ )

sr: B, H1, K, Z32

See Also:
1-32 /
The Bärenklau Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt


Otto Hermann Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-4003 ↑ )

M, bn: 1911 Oct 24, Gumbinnen / s: Waffen SS, Oberscharführer (Sergeant), Leibstandarte-Adolf-Hitler / p: Clerk [installateur. Angestellter] / d: 1985, Apr 11, Mühlheim-Ruhr // m1: 1937, Tangermünde, to Minna Magdalene Luise Griesche / bn: 1908, Frenswegen near Bentheim / p: [Verkäuferin] // m2: 1963 to Oerda Daske

1. Hinrik Otto Helmuth (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1938, Berlin, Germany / (see
1-6-4005 ↓ )

sr: B, H1, K, Z32


See Also:
1-32 /
The Bärenklau Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt
5-8 / Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938


Hinrik Otto Helmuth Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-4004 ↑ )

M, bn: 1938, Nov 9, Lichterfelde, Berlin, Germany / s: German Army / p: Technical clerk // m: 1963, Hohenlimburg to Ingeborg Kraft

1. Maren (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1964, Koblenz, Germany / (see
1-6-4006 ↓ )

sr: B, H1


See Also:
1-32 /
The Bärenklau Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt


Maren Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-4005 ↑ )

F, bn: 1964, Nov 25, Koblenz / p: [Krankenhaus-Pflegehilfskraft] in Koblenz // m: Jürgen Büchner / bn: 1961 / p: [Fischlergesellen]

1. Nadine (Büchner) / F, bn: 1982, Feb 25, Koblenz, Germany

sr: B, H1

See Also:
1-32 /
The Bärenklau Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt


Ulrich Wilhelm Gustav Heinrich Hanno Bohnstedt / (see 1-6-4000 ↑ )

M, bn: 1867 Dec 5, Kalbassen near Pilkallen, East Prussia / ch: 1867, Kussen, East Prussia, Germany / p: Preacher in Neuzelle. Senior Government and School Council Official in Stettin, Prussia (Szczecin, Poland) [Prediger in Neuzelle. Oberregierungsund Schulrat in Szczecin. Geheimer Regierungsrat] / d: 1943 Dec 5, Stettin, Prussia (Szczecin, Poland) // m: 1894, Neuzelle to Franziska Minna Elise Gruetzmacher / bn: 1873

1. Thusnelda Elise Gabriele (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1897, Apr 30, Nowawes, near Potsdam // m: 1917, Dec 15, Stettin, Prussia (Szczecin, Poland) to Karl Friedrich Martin Arnold / bn: 1883
2. Hanna Ellinor Dorothea (Bohnstedt) / F, bn: 1899, Sep 14, Berlin, Germany // m: 1922, Sep 30, Stettin, Prussia (Szczecin, Poland), Johann Leo Goffin / bn: 1895, Feb 16 / p: Merchant in Dusseldorf

sr: B, H1, J8, K, Z32

See Also:
1-32 /
The Bärenklau Bohnstedt Line; The Descendants of Heinrich Julius Ferdinand Bohnstedt
5-8 / Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes März 1938
