
Genealogy 3-2:
Descendants of Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm Bohnstedt

The Descendants of Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm Bohnstedt in Germany and America

here, or on the image above, for a detailed genealogical chart showing the various Bohnstedt Family Lines of this group

This branch or section of this Bohnstedt clan is a frustration. Based on the average size of families at the this time period, Friedrich and Sophie should have had more than two children.  I have not actually seen any records which show that the two sons listed for them were actually their sons.  For one thing there should be more children born to Friedrich and Sophie.  Even if Friedrich Gottlieb Jacob and Eduard Friedrich Karl were the youngest and oldest children, there should have been at least two others; one born in or about 1825, and another born in or about 1827.  We also know nothing about Eduard Friedrich Karl Bohnstedt who came to America in 1848, the same year as his brother, Friedrich Gottlieb Jacob.  We do not know for certain where he settled, whether he married, and whether he had children. It's as if this part of the family is on the edge of a black hole.

See Also:
3-2 /
From Gevensleben to Braunschweig to Calvörde
3-3 /
The Sea Voyages to America
3-5 /
The Bohnstedt Family and the American Civil War

Back to Part 3 ...


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Friedrich Heinrich Wilhelm Bohnstedt / (see 3-1-1000, Gevensleben... ↑ )

M, bn: 1798, the Braunschweig army garrison, Germany / p: Master Tailor // m: 1822, Calvörde, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany to Sophie Friedrike Rauch / bn: 1799

1. Friedrich Gottlieb Jacob "Frederick" (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1823, Jun 26, Calvörde, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany /  i: 1848 to America, port of entry unknown / p: Cabinet Maker / s: U.S. Army, Private, 1862-1865, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, 122nd Regiment, Company "A", Civil War. Wounded in leg, "Battle of Cold Harbor", 1864, Virginia / d: 1867, Apr 22, Muskingum County, Ohio from same leg wound / bd: Duncan Falls Cemetery, near Zanesville, Muskingum County, Ohio // m: 1856, Niagara City (Niagara Falls), New York to Marie Katherine Nieman / bn: 1817, Mecklenburg / d: 1875, Jan 7, Muskingum County Ohio
4. Eduard Friedrich Karl (Bohnstedt) / M, bn: 1829, Calvörde, Sachsen-Anhalt, Germany / i: Emigrated in 1848 to America / p: Locksmith

1. There was an "Anna" listed in an 1870 census with "Mary".  In the 1870 census No husband or father is listed, and "Mary" is 52 years old, putting her year of birth about 1817-1818, the same as Marie (Nieman) Bohnstedt.  No husband is listed, which would be consistent since Frederick Bohnstedt died in 1867.  "Anna" is listed here as a "daughter", but this seems to present problems, since the girl was only 4 years old in 1870, putting her year of birth at about 1866, one year before Frederick died.  Also, there are no other children listed for Marie (Nieman) Bohnstedt in this 1870 census or any other document.  Finally, a handwritten statement taken from Marie, states that she had no children.  It is extremely unlikely that Anna was Frederick and Marie's daughter, and far more likely that the girl might have been a relative of Marie's from the Nieman family.

sr: E1, F7, R2, T2, U2, U6, W4

See Also:
3-2 /
From Gevensleben to Braunschweig to Calvörde
3-3 /
The Sea Voyages to America: 1848
3-5 / The Bohnstedt Family and the American Civil War