Appendix A:
Consanguinity, Determining Family Relationships
If you've ever wondered what terms like "second cousin", "third cousin", and "fourth cousin once removed" means, I present here an explanation of Consanguinity. The word "Consanguinity" comes from "consanguine" which is a Latin word meaning "related by blood".
We are all quite familiar with parents, siblings, grandparents, uncles and aunts (siblings of parents), and cousins (children of our uncles and aunts). What about second cousins and third cousins and beyond? Simply put, a second cousin is a child of our parents first cousins. If "first cousins" share the same grandparents, then "second Cousins" share the same great-grandparents. Likewise, "third Cousins" are children of our parents' second Cousins, and share the same Great-great grandparents.
Where things become confusing is when we are trying to understand what things like "once removed", and "twice removed" means. "Removed" simply means removed by a generation, so "once removed" is one generational difference, and "twice removed" is a difference of two generations. If your second cousin has a child, that child is your second cousin once removed. Your second cousin's grandchild would be your second cousin twice removed.
Sorry, but it gets a little more complicated still. The parent of your second cousin is no longer any kind of second cousin to you, but your first cousin once removed. Why? Because your parent and the parent of your second cousin are / were actually first cousins. Therefore you cannot be a second cousin to this person, but a first cousin through your parent. But since you are removed by one generation, you are a first cousin once removed.
If your:
Grandparent Great
GrandparentGreat Great
GrandparentGreat Great Great
GrandparentGreat Great
Great Great
GrandparentGreat Great
Great Great
Grandparent...is your relative's: Then they are:
Grandparent First cousins First cousins once removed First cousins
twice removedFirst cousins thrice removed First cousins four
times removedFirst cousins five times removed Great grandparent First cousins once removed Second cousins Second cousins
once removedSecond cousins twice removed Second cousins
thrice removedSecond cousins four times removed Great Great
GrandparentFirst cousins twice removed Second cousins once removed Third cousins Third cousins once removed Third cousins
twice removedThird cousins thrice removed Great Great Great
GrandparentFirst cousins thrice removed Second cousins twice removed Third cousins
once removedFourth cousins Fourth cousins
once removedFourth cousins twice removed Great Great
Great Great
GrandparentFirst cousins four times removed Second cousins thrice removed Third cousins
twice removedFourth cousins once removed Fifth cousins Fifth cousins once removed Great Great
Great Great
GrandparentFirst cousins five times removed Second cousins four times removed Third cousins
thrice removedFourth cousins twice removed Fifth cousins
once removedSixth cousins
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