In This Section:
5-1 / Appendix A: Consanguinity, Determining Family Relationships
5-2 / Appendix B: The Origins of Surnames
5-3 / Appendix C: Heraldry and the Bohnstedt Coats-Of-Arms; Overview
5-4 / Appendix D: Ny Svensk Släktbok
5-5 / Appendix E: Bohnstedts in Published Works
5-6 / Appendix E: Bohnstedts in Published Works; Gesamtverzeichnis des deutschsprachigen Schrifttums, 1700-1910
5-7 / Appendix F: Military Ranking Systems of Germany and the United States
- United States Military Ranking System
- Comparative Ranking Systems of WW II Germany and America
- The SS, it's Origins, Purpose, and function within the German Military Establishment
5-8 / Appendix G: Mitglieder de Bohnstedt'schen Familien-Verbandes (1938 List)
5-9 / Appendix H: The Early Stammbaum
- The Origin and Provenance of the Watercolor Stammbaum
- Analyzing the Watercolor Stammbaum
- What is Missing?
5-10 / Appendix I: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1923 Stammbaum)
5-11 / Appendix J: Stammbaum der Familie Bohnstedt (1939 Stammbaum)
5-12 / Appendix K: Danish Genealogy Charts
5-13 / Appendix L: 75 År Til Lands & I Luften
5-14 / Appendix M: Architektur im 19.Jahrhundert / Ludwig Bohnstedt, Leben und Werk
5-15 / Appendix N: European Alphabetic Characters and Fonts