Career Data for Lt. General Wilhelm Bohnstedt

I must preface this material by saying that it was retrieved from unverified on-line sources. I do believe this to be mostly correct because I was able to match some of the information here against information I already had from other sources. However, I am not able to verify the rest of the material one way or another, and I cannot guarantee that all of the rest of it is completely accurate.

Born: 15 Oct 1888 in Schmarsow, District, Prenzlau
Died: 11 Aug 1947 in Hameln, Weser


Fahnenjunker-Gefreiter - 18 Jun 1909
Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier - 9 Aug 1909
Fähnrich - 19 Nov 1909
Leutnant (2nd Lieutenant) - 22 Aug 1910
Oberleutnant (1st Lieutenant) - 25 Feb 1915
Hauptmann (Captain) - 18 Dec 1917
Major - 1 Feb 1931
Oberstleutnant (Lieutenant Colonel) - 1 Jun 1934
Oberst (Colonel) - 1 Apr 1936
Generalmajor (Major General) - 1 Apr 1940
Generalleutnant (Lieutenant General) - 1 Apr 1942


Entered Army Service (12 Mar 1909)
Fahnenjunker in the 52nd Infantry-Regiment (12 Mar 1909-14 Sep 1914)
Detached to the Infantry-Firing-School Lokstedter Camp (01 Mar 1911-01 Apr 1911)
Detached to the Gun Factory in Spandau (01 Oct 1913-15 Nov 1913)
Wounded (14 Sep 1914-15 Sep 1914)
Transferred to the Replacement-Battalion of the 52nd Infantry-Regiment (15 Sep 1914-18 Jan 1915)
Leader of the Machine Gun-Company of the 270th Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (18 Jan 1915-01 Oct 1916)
Machine Gun-Officer with the Staff of the 270th Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1916-20 Feb 1918)
Director of the Machine Gun-Courses in Bolsk (05 Oct 1916-17 Dec 1916)
Director of the Machine Gun-Courses in Bolsk (30 Jan 1917-14 Mar 1917)
At the same time, Leader of the II. Battalion of the 270th Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (10 Jul 1917-22 Jul 1917)
At the same time, Leader of the I. Battalion of the 270th Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (01 Apr 1917-04 Aug 1917)
At the same time, Leader of the III. Battalion of the 270th Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (14 Aug 1917-21 Sep 1917)
Detached to the 1st Training-Course in AA and in Indirect-Fire in Slonim (23 Sep 1917-26 Sep 1917)
At the same time, Leader of the III. and II. Battalion of the 270th Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (30 Oct 1917-14 Dec 1917)
At the same time, Machine Gun-Officer with the Staff of the 82nd Reserve-Division (25 Dec 1917-16 Jan 1918)
At the same time, Leader of the II. Battalion of the 270th Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (01 Feb 1918-07 Feb 1918)
Detached to the 4th Course of the Army-Signals-School 2 in Saarburg (09 Feb 1918-15 Feb 1918)
Detached to the Staff of the I. Battalion of the 270th Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (16 Feb 1918-20 Feb 1918)
Transferred back into the Regiments-Staff of the 270th Infantry-Regiment (20 Feb 1918-06 Apr 1918)
Company-Leader in the 270th Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (06 Apr 1918-31 Jul 1918)
At the same time, Leader of the II. Battalion of the 270th Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (16 Apr 1918-12 Jun 1918)
Commander of the 271st Reserve-Infantry-Regiment (31 Jul 1918-21 Aug 1918)
Transferred to the 3rd Replacement-Machine Gun-Company of the III. Army-Corps (21 Aug 1918-23 Sep 1918)
Transferred to the 195th Infantry-Division and Delegated with the Leadership of the 15th Reserve-Jäger-Battalion (23 Sep 1918-01 Mar 1919)
Commander of Volunteer-Battalion "Unruhstadt" (01 Mar 1919-24 Feb 1920)
Company-Chief of the 10th Grenadier-Regiment (24 Feb 1920-16 May 1920)
Company-Chief in the 10th Reichswehr-Infantry-Regiment (16 May 1920-01 Oct 1920)
Company-Chief in the 8th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1920-01 Mar 1927)
Detached to Machine Gun-Course at Königsbrück (28 Apr 1924-17 May 1924)
Detached as Director to the Sub-Machine Gun-Course of the 3rd Division in Döberitz (22 Sep 1924-11 Oct 1924)
Transferred to the Staff of the Commander Hannover and Detached to the Staff of the 6th Division (01 Mar 1927-01 Apr 1928)
Detached to the Special-Training in the RWM, Weapons-Office, Test-Affairs (09 Jan 1928-14 Jan 1928)
Transferred into the 4th Squadron of the 14th Mounted-Regiment and again, Detached to the Staff of the 6th Division (01 Apr 1928-01 Apr 1930)
Vacation Abroad (20 Apr 1928-12 May 1928)
Detached to Battle-School-Course A in Döberitz (09 Oct 1928-24 Oct 1928)
Detached to Special-Training for Weapons-Officers in the RWM, Weapons-Office, Test-Affairs (07 Jan 1929-12 Jan 1929)
Hauptmann with the Staff of the 6th Division (01 Apr 1930-01 Oct 1930)
Welfare-Officer in the Staff of the 4th Mounted-Regiment (01 Oct 1930-01 Aug 1933)
Commander of the Training-Battalion of the 8th Infantry-Regiment (01 Aug 1933-01 Oct 1934)
Commander of Infantry-Regiment "Glogau" (01 Oct 1934-15 Oct 1935)
Commander of the 51st Infantry-Regiment (15 Oct 1935-05 Jun 1940)
Delegated with the Leadership of the 32nd Infantry-Division (05 Jun 1940-01 Oct 1940)
Führer-Reserve OKH (10 Jun 1940-30 Jun 1940)
Commander of the 32nd Infantry-Division (01 Oct 1940-20 Jan 1942)
Taken ill (20 Jan 1942-15 Apr 1942)
Führer-Reserve OKH (15 Apr 1942-01 May 1942)
Inspector of Infantry, OKH (01 May 1942-25 Jan 1945)
Führer-Reserve OKH (25 Jan 1945-22 Feb 1945)
Detached to Military-Replacement-Inspection Hannover for Briefing as Military - Replacement - Inspector (22 Feb 1945-05 Mar 1945)
Military-Replacement-Inspector Hannover (05 Mar 1945-07 Mar 1945)
Both the Assignment to Hannover and the Appointment as Military - Replacement - Inspector did not become effective - again, Führer-Reserve OKH (07 Mar 1945-03 Apr 1945)
Retired (03 Apr 1945)
In captivity (08 May 1947-11 Aug 1947)
Died in captivity (11 Aug 1947)

Awards and Decorations:

- Ritterkreuz (575): am 13.10.1941 als Generalmajor und Komm. 32. Infanteriedivision/ II Armeekorps/ 16. Armee/ Heeresgruppe Nord
-1939 EK I –S-: 02.10.1939
- 1939 EK II –S-: 22.09.1939
- 1914 EK I: 01.08.1916
- 1914 EK II: 14.10.1914
- Fürstl. Lippisches Kriegsverdienstkreuz am Kombattanbande: 00.05.1915
- K.u.K. Österr. Militär-Verdienstkreuz III Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration: 00.08.1915
- Verwundetenabzeichen, 1918 in Schwarz: 12.06.1918
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
- Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung I Klasse: 02.10.1936
- Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942”